Chapter Nine

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"How comes you have made it to the 23rd of December and still not put up any Christmas Decorations?" Liv asks while putting the lights on the Christmas tree.
"We've been busy." I look at Aaron the smile he smiles back then says
"Can we trust you with house until we get back, it won't be burned to the ground?" He joked.
"Yes I'm not gonna set it on fire."
"Come on then."Aaron says heading out the door.
"Bye Liv." We say in sync.
"Bye." She replies.


We buy Liv some clothes and because she's so hard to buy for we bought a card and we will put £50 in it. We buy my mum some bath things and some PJ's. We get Paddy some new shoes, Cain some new tools because he was talking about how he needed some at the garage. Belle perfume, Jack, Sarah, Noah, Moses, Samson and Leo some toys, Zak and Lisa some money. Marlon a cook book, Debbie and Charity some clothes and Vic and Adam a baby name book since they were trying for a baby. "I think that's everyone." I say shattered from all the shopping.
"Everyone but each other." Robert replies.
"I'm getting mine tomorrow I'm too tired now."
"Yeah same."

When we arrive home Liv is watching telly and the whole house was covered in decorations. "This is amazing Liv thanks so much." Robert says happy with what's she's done.
"No problem." She replies.


I sit watching telly when I get a text from an unknown person and it says "Better watch out for Aaron I'm coming for him." I just ignore it because it's probably someone just trying to scare me but it's not going to work.

I wake up and check my phone for the time and I see another message from the unknown person it says "Christmas day is when I'm coming for him." This time I reply asking to meet up with them and they agree. I leave Aaron a note on the side saying "Gone into town for your Christmas present R xx"

I go up to meet them at the bridge like we arranged "You finally here then." I turn around to see Jai he was defiantly on something and he was high from it. I phone the police to collect him and they arrive and arrest him. Then I got into town and buy Aaron's present.


I bought Roberts present and met up with him back at the house. "Let's get wrapping." He said. We brought all the presents down and we had a system going. I wrapped them, since Roberts wrapping was awful, and he wrote on the cards card who they were from and to.

"That's the last one."
"Come on the let's take them to your mums." Robert said grabbing as many presents as he could. We took them to my mums because that's where all the Dingle's meet up on Christmas and celebrate it together as a family.
"Hopefully they will like all the presents we didn't put much thought into them, we bought them last minute." I said to Robert on the way to the pub.
"They won't be ungrateful, well they might be but not to our faces. The only good present I bought was yours." He said.
"That's put pressure on me now, mines gonna be rubbish compared to yours."
"Probably will be." Robert said jokingly. We dropped the presents off and put them under the trees and went back home and watched some telly.

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