Chapter Four

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I sit in the pub waiting for Robert when I get a phone call from Liv's school. "Hello Liv has been very bad and stolen form the shops can you please remove her from this trip and come and collect her."
"I'm on my way." I say. "Mum when you see Robert tell him I've gone to get Liv she's been bad and needs to come home from her school trip."
"Yeah no problem bye love." She says as I leave.


When I walk into the pub I don't see Aaron. "Where's Aaron?" I ask Chas. "He's gone to collect Liv. She's been bad on the school trip and needs collecting."
"Alright, thanks." I use this as an excuse to start moving out stuff from house to house. I do it so no ones sees me because I didn't want anyone ruining the surprise.

I move all our things and it wasn't hard to get things from place to place since the house already had furniture in it anyway. I did the food shop and by the time id got the house ready Aaron should be home. I decided to take him on a picnic to tell him about the house because I thought it would be a good idea. I put the basket in the car and waited for him in the pub.

"It wasn't my fault, Gabby made me do it!" Liv shouted while coming through the door of the pub.
"You still shouldn't of done it!" Aaron shouted back at her.
"Just leave me alone!" She screamed while stomping off into the back probably to her room.
"Teenagers." Aaron says to me.
"I have a surprise for you." I say to him. "I've packed us a picnic."
"Great I'm starving. Come on then let's go." He says leaving the pub at lightning speed because of the food. We jumped in the car and i drive us to the place where we first kissed.


"Isn't this the first place we kissed. Where you faked your breakdown?"
"This is the place your brought us for a picnic?"
"Your so weird." We get out of the car and headed into a field and sat under a tree in the shade. I take my hoodie off because it was red hot.
"Christ Aaron it's not a strip club." He laughs unpacking the food.
"I'm only hot clam down."
"I know you are." He says staring at me.
"Yeah I know I am that's why I said it. I'm sexy af." I joked. We laughed then finally started tucking into some food.
"Why did you pick here anyway?"
"I don't know it's the only place where we have a good memory. And the barn but it smells nicer out here." He says chewing a sandwich.
"True." I agreed downing some orange juice.

"I also have another surprise for you." Robert says grinning.
"Which is?" I ask confused.
"Well you know that house you love?"
"Well I just went and bought it. I won £30,000 on a scratch card so I bought that house for us. I've put all our stuff in the house and it's ours."
"Omg yes Robert." I say happily. I jumped on him and started kissing him.

"Wait there's something else." He says breaking the kiss.
"One sec my bums numb." I say standing up to stretch. I turn around and Roberts on one knee. "Oh my god." I say in shock.
"Aaron Dingle. You are the best and most loving person I know. You protect me and your family. You are also strong, you may not think it but you are. Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
"Of course I will you idiot. I love you." He puts the ring on my finger and kisses me. This time the kiss doesn't stop. "Hang on." I say breaking the kiss.
"What's wrong?"
"You wanna do it out here?"
"Fine then we'll go into the woods where no one can see us."

"I look like a right gangster." Robert says walking out the woods with my clothes on.
"Well I look like a smart business man."
"Come on let's head back to the bar it's getting dark."
When we arrive at the car there is a woman looking for directions. "Hello excuse me can you tell me which way Hotten is?" Then Robert says in a weird voice "it's that way." He says pointing down the road.
"Thanks." She says getting in her car and driving away.
"What the hell was that voice?" I ask
"I was trying to be you."
"I don't sound like that. I'll try and be you, you've got a posh voice." I say in the best poshest voice I can do.
"Come on." He laughs. "Let's go home."
"Let's go hubby to be." I say getting into the car.

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