Chapter Seven

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"Morning Aaron." She says. Then I figure out who it was from the voice.
"You came here last night very very drunk and you were telling me to stay away from Robert or, your exact words were, I'll pull you by your ugly blonde hair spin you around like that girl off Matilda and throw you out the window the cut my hair off so your fingerprints won't be on it and you would blame Chrissie for the murder of me. And at my funeral you would all be partying instead of crying. You said this making your way to my bedroom thinking it was your own house because when i walked into my bedroom you shouted get out of my house. Then I tried to move you but you wouldn't. I'm surprised your awake now and yes you came with no top off so don't blame me."
"Sorry I'll get out of your hair now." I climbed out of the bed nearly fell down the stairs and stumbled out of the front door.


As I'm standing in the street telling people where to look for Aaron I see him stumbling down the street, stoping every few seconds, half naked looking like a zombie. "Never mind everyone Aaron's been found thanks for all your help. I appreciate it." I run over to him and grab him before he falls over. "Who's that?"
"It's me."
"Oh, sorry I can't see because of the sun."

I take him home and sit him on the couch. "What happened to you?" I ask.
"Long story short, I got really drunk last night then went to Rebecca's and told her to leave you alone or I'll murder her and blame it on Chrissie, I thought it was my house went to her room and shouted get out of my house to her and then I fell asleep in her bed. And I don't know where my top went."
"I don't care about your top, your showing off your sexy six pack. Oh Aaron." I say laughing at his story. I gave him some water and told him to get some sleep.

While he was sleeping I went to Rebecca's to thank her for looking after Aaron. I knocked on her door and she answered. "Hello Robert. Have you got your boyfriend back in one piece."
"Yes thanks to you, I just came here to say thanks for looking after him." She leaned into me trying to kiss me. I pushed her away.
"What are you doing?" I shouted.
"Oh Robert I know it's what you want."
"Leave me alone and Aaron I don't want this okay goodbye." I left her and joined Aaron in bed.

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