Chapter Five

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I woke up and Robert was awakening too. "Hey how did you sleep?" He asked.
"Very well. This bed is way comfy then our old one. What about you?"
"Like a baby." I replied. I finally got up and got dressed Robert done the same and we didn't have to worry about any Liv or Charity's walking in on us.

We went to the pub and decided to have breakfast there instead because Robert forgot to buy breakfast foods. "Where have you too been? I was gonna start a search party." My mum says walking through into the back angrily.
"Oh yeah we forgot to tell you. We've moved in together."
"But I thought you couldn't afford it?"
"Robert won on a scratch card and he bought it."
"I'm just the best fiancé ever." He says kissing me.
"Fiancé?" My mum asks even more confused.
"Yeah looked he asked me to marry him. He bought matching ones." We put our hands out to show her.
"Omg that's great news! It's gonna be the biggest gay wedding ever!"
"Who's getting married?" Paddy asks walking into the back. "Sorry i didn't mean to come through but no one was serving."
"Me and Robert are the ones getting married." I say "You are happy right?"
"Erm yeah, yeah of course." He says unsure.


I was walking back home for a shower when someone put a bag on my head and dragged me in the back of their van. They tied my hands and legs together then they hit with me something and then everything goes black.

I wake up in a chair unable to move or talk because I had tape on my mouth and my hands and legs were tied to the chair.


I got home and Robert wasn't home I assumed he went to the shop so I put my PJ's on and went straight to bed after a hard day at the scrapyard.

I wake up and Robert was still missing. I got dressed and started searching for him. The first place I thought of was Rebecca's, i just had to make sure he wasn't there. Surely he wasn't there he just proposed to me he wouldn't go to hers, would he? I arrived at the Whites and I knocked on the door, Rebecca answered. "Yes?" She asked in her stupid posh annoying voice.
"Is Robert here?"
"No why has he gone missing? Omg I need to help find him. I need him to be okay." She ran passed me before i could even say anything. That answered my question, he wasn't there. The fact Rebecca cared so much for Robert annoyed me.


"I'm sorry." Someone's voice said as they walked in. I recognised it.
"Paddy?" He then comes into the light.
"I'm sorry, I just didn't think you were right for Aaron but then I heard that you bought him that house and it made me change my mind about you."
"I love Aaron, like I've never loved anyone else."
"And I know that now."
"Can you let me out now and we can go home."
"Okay your not going to phone the police are you." He asks scared.
"No paddy, no I'm not."

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