Chapter twelve

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I woke up and I didn't get much sleep but I was wide awake anyway. I got in the shower and washed my hair as I needed it to be perfect for Aaron. I dried myself and sorted my hair out into a shark fin because Aaron liked it like that. I put my blue suit on and black shoes and texted Aaron saying "happy wedding day babe love you xxxxxxx." I then waited until Andy got up to get ready and I could finally become a Dingle.


I woke up and I was wide awake ready for my wedding day. I jumped in the shower washed myself then got out and dried myself. I didn't put as much hair gel in my hair because Robert likes to play with my hair. I put my black suit on and my red tie. Then put my black shoes on and I was ready to go. I texted Robert saying "can't wait to see you today love you too xxxx."
"Morning Vic." I said as she came down.
"Omg Aaron you look amazing Robert will think your so sexy."
"Oh I know he will because I am."
"Your so big headed." She joked.
"Anyway I'm going to get ready."


I arrived at the church and all the guests were here apart from Vic, Adam and of course Aaron. Where were they? He wouldn't bail on me now? Would he? Then I heard Ed Sheeran start to play it was the song called perfect because we were both in love with the song and it reminds me of Aaron so perfect.

He walks down the aisle with Adam by his side and Chas, Vic and Liv behind him looking sexy as always.

"You now may kiss the groom." Harriet said. As we kissed everyone was clapping.


After the pictures, I made my way down to the pub with Robert because it was where we were having the after party. "I can't believe Liv cried I knew my mum would, but Liv shocked me." I said to Robert.
"I know." Robert agreed.
"You look sexy by the way."
"You don't look too yourself."

The night went on and it was nearly new year. We all went outside and counted down.
"3, 2, 1." I kissed Robert and he kissed back.
"Happy new year Mr Sugden."
"Happy new year Mr Dingle."

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