Chapter Six

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I went home and I couldn't wait to see Aaron. I walked through the door and said "Aaron?"
"Robert is that you?" He replies. I closed the door and hugged Aaron and told him everything that had happened but he seemed distracted on something else.
"Aaron are you oaky?" I asked him.
"No actually. It's Rebecca." He says quite angry.
"What about her."
"Obsessing over you. I went to her house to see if you were there and she got really upset that you were missing and it just annoyed me."
"Why did you go there obviously I wasn't going to be there." I stormed off upstairs for a shower and to rest.


I go upstairs to apologise to Robert but he was asleep on the bed so i decided to go to the pub instead. It was only 9 o'clock it was still open for another 2 hours. I arrive there and order myself a pint. Adam and Vic come in because Vic had a shift. I stayed with Adam and got really drunk. We decide to make a night of it and go into town since we haven't been on one in ages.


I wake up and Aaron wasn't there. He is probably in a mood with me because I shouted at him yesterday. I go to the pub to see if he slept there. "Is Aaron here?" I ask Chas.
"Erm no he went out drinking with Adam last night so try Vic's."
"Thanks." I head to their house and knock on the door, Vic answers "Hey come in."
"Is Aaron here?" I ask while heading through the front door.
"No i was just about to ask you if Adam was at yours." She says while Adam walks through the front door.

"Hey, sorry about last night babe. It was Aaron's fault what states he in this morning? He drank far more than me." He laughs thinking of the memory.
"He's not with you?" I ask concerned.
"No we went to a hotel in Hotten but Aaron wanted to go out drinking more he was already really drunk at this point and I couldn't stop him. I assumed he went back home when I woke up this morning and he wasn't there."
"Oh god. Where is he then? Come on let's start making people look for him." I say worried about him.


I wake up with a banging headache. I turn over wanting to see Robert lying next to me but the memories of last night come flooding back to me. We fell out and I went out with Adam but that's all I can remember so far. I look around and I had no idea where I was. I was deffo in a house and not a hotel. I look around and see I'm in a woman's room. There's Chester draws with make up on and an open wardrobe full of woman's clothes. I realise I'm wearing no top and I check to see if I'm wearing pants. Thank god I am. Then i see a girl in the doorway but I couldn't make out who it was from my blurry vision since I just woke up.

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