Chapter Eleven

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"I'm not getting as drunk as I did that last time do you remember?"
"Hardly." Adam laughs. "Come on let's get this stag do started!" Adam shouts dancing to the music and taking a shot.
"Can I see Robert at all?"
"Are you crazy mate? Of course not it's bad luck innit."
"Ugh." I had a couple of beers and went back to Adams, Vic was here.
"He's the drunk one not me." I said to Vic.
"I can see that." She said while watching Adam flop onto the couch.
"Come on let's stick a film on." He said with a beer in his hand.


"This is gonna be so fun." Andy said downing a shot.
"Yeah such." I said sarcastically. "Can I seen Aaron." I asked wanting to see him.
"No you idiot it's bad luck." We went back to my house and watched some films because I wasn't in the party mood. I was texting Aaron and he seemed as bored as I was. We both weren't drunk and we just wanted to see each other.


I was texting Robert when I heard a gun shot go off. I text Robert "Did you hear that?" He replies
"Yes." We both run outside the houses which are opposite each other and i looked over towards him. He was looking at me to too. We just smiled until Vic shouted "omg!" I looked at her and looked at what she was looking at. It was Rebecca she had been shot. "Who done it?" Then I looked towards where the bullet came from and it was Doug holding the gun.
"No one liked her so I shot her maybe I'll get some love now."
"Thanks Doug but no one likes you."


I texted Aaron "I seen you across the road and you looked sexy af." He replied
"I know I do." So I reply
"Lol." He replies
What did you think of Rebecca?" I replied
"I'm glad she's dead she can't ruin the wedding now." He replies
"lol I'm going to bed now night xxxx."
I reply "night xxxx." I try to sleep but I couldn't I was to excited.

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