Chapter Eight

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I read the note on the side of the table saying come to the pub. I walk to the pub completely sober after the day of drinking and the day of the hangover. I was finally feeling fine and not sick. When I walked into the pub everyone shouted "Surprise!"
"Omg what's this?" I ask.
"It's a belated engagement party." Robert tells me coming over to hug me then kissing me.
"Oh that's cute." I say still in shock. It looked like he invited the full village even the Whites were here expect Rebecca, I must of scared her off with my drunken speech the other night.

"So what you having?" Robert asks.
"ONE pint." We laugh and Robert jokes
"We'll see about that." Everyone congratulates us then Chrissie comes over to me and says drunk
"He'll cheat on you, he always does you know just like he did me."
"Yeah but I was the person he was cheating on you with."
"Leave it Chrissie." Robert comes over defending me.
"Oh go away Robert."
"It's my party." Robert laughs.
"Just warning you Aaron." Chrissie says drunk.
"Well don't." I say back to her then she punches me and my lip starts bleeding.
"Right get out." Robert gets hold of her and takes her the door her family follow and they leave.
"You alright?" He asks looking at my lip.

I go into the back and sort my lip out until it stops bleeding. We go back into the pub and the party is nearly over. Robert starts to hit his glass with a fork.
"I would just like to say a speech for you Aaron." He says drunk. "Aaron, Aaron, you my beautiful Aaron. I cannot wait to sort this wedding out and finally become Mr Dingle or you become Mr Sugden. So here's to Aaron my sexy fit beautiful husband to be I love you. To Aaron." He says raising his drink.
"To Aaron." Everyone says.
"Your so drunk, come on let's get you home."

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