Chapter Two

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I wake up before Robert and get out of bed quietly so I don't wake him. I get changed and go to Finn's house. "Hiya mate, I'm sorry about yesterday I didn't know you had just broke up with him."
"It's alright." He said.
"Can I get his address? Your ex." I ask.
"His names Kasim and why would I give it to you so you can finish what you started?"
"No so I can apologise."
"Fine." He wrote down the address and gave it to me.
"Cheers, see you."

I jumped into my car and drove there. It took me 20 minutes because I got lost on the way there but I finally found the right house. I got out of my car and knocked on the door. He answers and when he sees it's me he tried to close it again. "Wait." I say putting my foot in the door so it can't close.
"Why so you can start to hit me for no reason again?" He says mad.
"No, I came to apologise. I swear I didn't know that you and Finn had just broke up I thought you were being homophobic because you didn't want your dad to know you were gay."
"Oh." He says. "Fine I accept your apology just as long as I don't see you again."
"You won't I swear, unless you come back to Emmerdale then you will, but if you stay here then ...."
"I'm defiantly not coming back to Emmerdale so you can stay out of my way." He said interrupting me. I nodded and then he closed the door so I went back to my car and started to drive back home.


I wake up to find an empty place next to me. Aaron is gone so I go downstairs to see if he was there, he isn't. I go out to the bar and ask Chas "Have you seen Aaron this morning?"
"No I haven't." I then leave the room and run upstairs to get changed. Half way from getting changed Charity walks in on me.
"Woah do you mind?" I say quickly putting my pants on.
"Sorry. I seen Aaron leave this morning so I assumed you went with him." I finished putting my pants on and said to Charity
"When did Aaron leave?"
"About an hour ago." I go out the pub and start looking for him.

I started with the scrapyard and asked Adam "Has Aaron came to work today."
"No not yet, so tell him I'm not happy when you see him." I was about to leave when I seen his car pulling up.
"Aaron!" I shouted running over to him and hugging him.
"What's that for?" He asked confused.
"You could of told me you were going out or answered your calls."
"Sorry I was driving I couldn't."
"Where were you anyway?"
"I went and apologised and he accepted it so no police."
"Thank god."


"You know what happened this morning." Robert said.
"What?" I said eating a burger Marlon just brought to me.
"Charity walked in on me getting changed."
"Haha bet it was a good sight." I laughed.
"And it made me think." He laughed too.
"Made you think what?"
"We should get our own place so no one can disturb us and won't see us naked."
"That's a good idea actually. I'll ring Rakesh and ask him if he can show us around some houses." I went off and rang Rakesh.

I returned back to Robert "He said he can show us around some houses tomorrow if we are available to and I said yeah. Are you available tomorrow?"
"Yeah, can't wait." Robert said excited.
"Great I better go Adams already mad at me for being late this morning see you." I said kissing him.

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