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Gumi slams open the doors of the bar . "Hey, shitheads!" she yells at the top of her lungs. I groan. It's only been three weeks since the bar closed, not two hundred fucking years

A handful of faces peered at us. I noticed several regulars in the crowd, the others don't ring a cowbell. We take a seat by the restrooms, the place is packed. From across the room I notice Mayu sitting diagonal to us. She's wearing the same theme as before the bar closed: Death. Her blonde hair is packed into a thin, rough ponytail about the width of her ring finger. She's wearing a long black china dress, with boots that fall about three inches from her knees. And to top it all off, her funeral "auntie hat" complete with rotten exotic flowers and fruit to make her look...younger?

"Evening, cleavage," Gumi remarks sarcastically. I'm confused for about half a second until I look up and find size E's in my face. Apparently, Mayu had to go the extra length and show off more breast than both Gumi and I will ever have, with her "dress" reaching just above her rib cage. 

Mayu rolls her eyes. She holds a Manhattan in one hand and a pack of condoms in the other. "Just in case, you know, I get someone," she tells us. I'm about to object when I realize that she's probably had sex with all the guys in the room within the moment it took for Gumi to drive us here. She's more of a sex driven slut than I am, yet guys don't snicker and point on the streets.

Mayu walks off, leaving both Gumi and I to chat. The bartender comes over, it's Len. "Oh god, he's wearing his fucking khakis again," Gumi complains. I laugh, Gumi always knows when I break. "Nah, it's just used condoms," I respond. Gumi almost falls off her chair, as Len strolls over to our table.

"Gumi: regular," Len recites when he gets to us. "And how 'bout you?" He gives me a creepy smile, and from across the table I hear Gumi losing her shit. "An actually talented person," I say to him. Gumi snickers as she points to the drink menu. "Len Kagamine, here on duty," he cheers overly confident. "She said actual talent, asshole." I recognize that voice, Rin. In an instant, Len turns his head only to be greeted by a pissed Rin Kagamine. She slaps his hip. "Go get some Bay Breeze for us!" Rin yells to Len as he makes his way across the bar. I hear the drunks behind us snicker, there's no way in hell she's surviving next morning. 

Rin doesn't seem to care though. Her beanie isn't even tucking in any hair, so it must be obvious she just dumped a guy in the girl's bathroom. Rin glances at me, then back at Gumi. "Sorry for Len's dumb shitty actions back there. I really wish he would just learn to get along with you two. I have friends and he needs to understand that!" The more Rin talks, the more I find she's the mother hen of our group. Always looking after us, and scolding us the moment we do somthing stupid.

"So, how's it going sweetheart?" Rin asks Gumi. Both of them aren't even gay, they just started doing this around me to annoy the shit out of me. Even I'm not gay!

"Nothing much, just watching Netflix and trying not to mass murder anyone in my path. As you can tell, blood is spilling out my taco currently and I'm not fucking happy about it." Gumi says while biting on her nails. 

Len quickly dives in and out to deliver our drinks, trying not to get smashed through the wall by his sister. He thankfully only gives Rin a Bay Breeze, he hands me a red wine and winks. "For, m'lady," he whispers in a soft voice as he attempts to sneak away. I feel at awe for a second until I see Mayu giving me the thumbs up from across the bar. I grimace at her, but she doesn't seem to be paying attention.

"How did the date go with Nero?" I ask Rin to break the silence. Rin shuffles her hands and takes a sip of her Bay Breeze. "Terrible," she mutters after a few short seconds of nothing. "I love him so much, anyone in Neru's family I can endure, but he is a major dick. He talked the entire time we were at the movie. I'm not even joking, screw him. He can go find another willing romantic partner if he-".

Already bored from Rin's speech, I gaze around the bar to get visually acquainted with these newcomers. A lot of them seem to be enjoying themselves, but that isn't good enough. I stare back into the dark corners, the ones that only people depressed of being depressed hang out. Downer Debbies. I catch my eye on a girl with faint blue eyes and pastel pink hair. She has the skin of an angel, no scratch that, she IS an angel.

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