10 (rated M)

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The clock seems to be slowing to a stop, time inches away as slowly as it can. I decide to walk to the Wendy's down the street, Gumi took the car. It's pretty hot out, but very cloudy. I pray that it doesn't rain while I'm walking.

I get there at about 5:47, still time to wait. I lay my hands by my side, waiting to order. When a few minutes pass, I turn around to see Megurine standing just a few feet away. She's dressed up, with her new jacket and everything. "You didn't have to dress up," I tell her as I step forward. She glances up and smiles. "Well," she says while digging for her wallet, "I'm meeting a new friend today, I need to make a first good impression." I take a step back. The kiss. "Oh, you made a good first impression," I mistakenly blurt. Megurine looks at me. Not gay not gay not gay not gay not gay...

Megurine smiles. She gives me two twenties, that's all she has. We order, Megurine has a difficult time figuring out what she wants. After a while, she picks the same as me, that's cute.

We sit down by a window facing the street. It started to rain, shit. Megurine notices I'm off about the rain. "It's nothing," I respond. Megurine rolls her eyes. "Don't lie to me, I've seen that face before." I have no clue what she means. So I tell her. "It reminds me of when my dad died of Alzheimer's," I tell her. I also tell her that he loved the rain. I tell her how Dad liked to pick flowers in the rain and give them to Mom, still damp. I tell her about Dad's odd habit of singing songs about everything. I'm about to finish my story until Megurine gives me a deep look. "I'm-I'm sorry," she says sympathetically. "My dad, I-I don't know where he is. He's been gone for ten years." I step back. Ten years ago. I remember something. I can't tell, it's all blury. I remember-...

After a long silence, Megurine coughs. "I'm really sorry I acted so dickish the other day. The jacket means a lot to me." I smile. "I can tell, where did you get it?"


As we walk into Gumi's apartment, Megurine squeals. "You like IA? I love her. She's my favorite singer!" I go and pick up the mountain of CDs I've collected over the years. "Yeah, I really like her music too," I say.

I dig through the pile of old teenager music stacks until I find my favorite. "Ten Thousand Years and an Overnight." I barely remember who made the music, although I remember singing with it all throughout high school. Megurine smiles ear to ear when I hold up the CD. "That's one of my favorites!" she squeals. I giggle. Megurine looks at me and grabs the CD. I know what she's doing, I point to the old CD player I got with the bundle. Megurine presses an entire buffet of buttons desperately, until she finds the one. She puts it in and we both harmonize with the lyrics. "Miku, stop blushing," she teases. I freak and laugh. "And uh, Miku?" Megurine asks me, "Can you please call me by my name, Luka? I feel like we're good friends and uh-." I stop her. The next track comes on, I barely remember the lyrics. But Luka sings it perfectly. I swoon at her majestic voice, her deep brass compared to my squeaky soprano. She knows every word, at every pitch, with every rhythm. When the song is over, I see Luka, just an inch taller, looking at me. "Miku, you're blushing again," she flirts. I tremble. My knees shake. Oh god oh god oh god not gay not gay not gay


Fuck it.  

I grab Luka and pull her on the couch. She freaks, squirming, but she accepts it. I force her to the couch, and I see her odd silly smile turn into a welcoming grin. She knows what I'm about to do, and she likes it. I pull my shirt off, and Luka quickly undresses. She has no clothes on except her bra and panties. I still have my pants. Luka slowly inches her hand into my pants, as I crouch down over her. I can feel something that feels good, as her fingers climb into my panties. She pulls them down at the speed of light. I grab on to her enormous breasts, she moans. I get down on the sofa, directly on top of her, kissing her repetitively. She undresses my pants, and I feel fingers inside me. I squeeze her breast. She rubs her fingers inside of me. We both moan. I decide to pull down her bra, she clenches, but moans with enjoyment. Her fingers go deeper, my kisses get harder. At some point, her panties disappear, and I give her all I got with my fingers. She leans over, and starts licking where her fingers are. I begin to squeeze her clit, she makes me groan. "More Miku, give me more sweet devil" she moans as I grab her closer. I can feel her tongue in my throat, I feel pleasure. I start to lick her breasts, her fingers get faster. The squeezing gets harder. I clench and scream with enjoyment. I'm so glad I'm gay. It all gets faster and harder. I rub my clit over Luka's, it's the best feeling ever. She grabs my boobs and begins sucking. The tongue, the fingers, the licks, the throat, the breasts, the clit makes me scream. I feel so happy. Luka moans just as loudly. "Miku, harder!" She raises her voice, and I respond. It gets faster and faster until we both moan. Louder than I ever could. My first time, with a girl or not, my first fuck. Luka squeals. "Orgasm!" I hear her moan. I feel stimulation, I moan too. My very first orgasm. But I'm not done there. Luka rolls us over, I stick my fingers in her. She penetrates my asshole, a feeling I've never felt before. I orgasm again. So does Luka, just two minutes later. I rub her breasts, and she bounces up and down to get my fingers farther up. Her lips feel like rainbows. I sit up, and we're fingering each other's vaginas, kissing deeply, and letting our boobs squish together in a moment I won't forget. I moan, we moan, and in an instant, I feel the biggest orgasm ever. "Luka, Luka, LUKA!" I scream. She eases her fingers out of me, very slowly. We continue kissing even though we're done. I've never been more satisfied in my life.

~So, what did ya think? My very first "official" smut. Miku's being an edgy son of a bitch, so that's why the big surprise sucks. I also have another surprise I'm getting ready to announce, but not yet! Well, I have a school trip tomorrow, so I'd better go! See ya!~

Sweet Devil (Hatsune Miku x Megurine Luka)Where stories live. Discover now