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My heart is racing. I look at half-naked Miku, and shield my eyes. I can't let her see me blush. I turn around on the couch, my eyes still wide from the recent event. "What just happened?" I ask. Miku looks at me and shrugs as she fixes her shirt. "I think...


"I think we just had sex."

I cross my legs. Sex with a girl? That will never and ever happen. Plus, I've never had sex before, how do I know what it's like? I turn to Miku and give her a confused look. She frowns. "Megurine, we fucked. I don't know why it's so difficult to understand we made love." I sigh. She is right, I do remember seeing her naked and liking it. But that doesn't mean I'm gay, right? This is purely experimental, it's because I've never felt something like this. I turn my body around to face Miku. "Miku, I ain't gay," I lay down the line in a serious tone. Miku shivers. I sigh. "But, we are friends now, so can we watch a movie?" Miku lifts up her hand to object, but I guess the thought of a movie was enough to make her calm again. "Gumi has Netflix. I don't care what we watch as long as it's good. And preferably a Disney movie please." We lay on the sofa together, and we agree on The Iron Giant. Miku argues with me whether it's considered a Disney movie or not, and I win.

The sofa is warm, I can't defect the idea we had sex. It was so sudden, and over so quickly. It went to fast. I never had sex before, what is it like? Was this normal? If it's with a girl, does that count? If only I had just given her more...

The movie is about eight minutes away from ending, and I can see the hidden tears in Miku's eyes. She hasn't seen this movie before. "Megurine, shut up, I ain't crying!" For no reason at all I burst out. "Miku! I said call me Luka!" I blurt. Miku looks at me and then back at the screen. It's almost ending. "Okay, but can we hold hands?" I'm taken aback by the request, although I really feel like doing it for some reason. I slide my hand towards Miku, and she responds just as quickly. Her hand is warm and soft, like a microwaved cotton ball. I hold it tightly and --- she's crying again.

I hate to see her cry for some odd reason. I ask her what's wrong, but I already know. The ending. I panic, how do I make her feel comfortable? What to do, what to do, what to do..?

My body involuntarily grabs Miku by the shirt, and closes our lips together. My tongue reaches into her throat, it feels good. Her lips taste even better when I'm sitting on her lap. I reach over her shoulder and pull her closer. She's mine. I can taste her dry tears, I lick them up. Miku makes her way off my lips and down my neck. She doesn't strike back, is she letting me explore? Suddenly, I hear a car very close to us. I hear human feet, shaking keys, a voice. In an instant, Miku pulls us apart and out of our position. She changes the Netflix to a reality show instead. The door creaks open. I take a deep breath, and slowly look back. It's Gumi. 

Miku is deadly cold. Gumi has an array of groceries in her hand. She glances back at the TV. "Ah, Burn Notice. Heard that's the new Orange is the New Black," she says in a controlling voice. She sets the groceries down and walks over to us. "Ah, a girl's night!" Gumi cheers. Miku shivers. I don't say anything. 

"Actually, I have to go," I say quickly. "I need to start my shift." I grab my jacket and purse and take one last look at Miku. She did nothing wrong, yet she's the one to blame? I swiftly make my way out the door and down the stairs onto the busy street below.

/does this count as a book yet?/


"So, a date?" Gumi asks. I don't say anything, she has her eye on me. "I'm not gay and I will never be," I answer. Gumi rolls her eyes. "Ya' know, I really meant it as sarcasm when I said you guys should fuck. Thank god you took my advice." My knees wobble and my voice cracks an octave. "Yeah, you're right," I tell her. "It was a huge mistake falling for her anyways." Gumi giggles. I shake. Gumi has never been really accepting of people with differences, so I freak when I need to tell her that Luka and I have been making love. She's a nice person, better than Mayu, but she doesn't know when to stop. She smokes and gets pulled over a lot, and she's actually had hetero sex before. I'm labeled "prostitute" when all Gumi does is fuck. I swear, the amount of sand on Earth represents all of the guys she's had sexual intercourse with.

Gumi starts putting away groceries. "Rin called me this morning and said she isn't coming to work, she got a hangover from last night's drink." My brain shifts gears. It's only been a day, and I've already fallen for somebody. It was only three days ago I met them. Her. Luka, the perfection on a silver platter. I've kissed her, held hands with her, even had sex. It was three days ago that I thought Len was hot, now I know it was Luka.

"So, do you plan meeting tomorrow as well, emo-queen?" I nod my head yes. Gumi grins. "It's nice to know that you're getting your lazy ass of the couch and out on the streets instead of staying inside and taking it from guys," Gumi claims very motherly-like. Yep, I'm absolutely completely gay.

~So, how was this? I really like the fact that now it's very close to summer I'm updating more! In this chapter, I really wanted to convey the LGBTQ+ struggles in Japan and the U.S.A. Because I'm still bi-curious and not in a rush to explore my sexuality, this really was a reminder that everything will be okay! And as for the surprises, well there's bad and good. Bad first, I'm sort of wrapping this book all up. I want it to be done by around chapter 15-20, so there's a way to go. But don't worry, it's going to be replaced by a sequel. Up next, I'm getting ready to start a new book! I'm not going to share anything about it, although I will say it's gay and does not involve any Cryptonloids. It will be started either next week or in the first week of June. And holy fuck, I just realized I've taken up more words than some of my chapters even have! Buh-bye!~

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