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My eyes are completely focused on the road, knowing that if I don't, something unimaginable could possibly happen. I'm going 70 miles per hour, something I've never done before. I pull in the parking lot of the hospital, and race my way in the door. Mom is sitting in the waiting room, expecting me. I swerve around to make sure she's alright. My biological dad, Adam, is sitting a seat apart from Mom. 

"Oh Luka," my mom starts sobbing into my shirt. "I'm so thankful you're here." Mom's face is wet with tears, she's scared to death. "Luki rammed into a Jeep while he was riding back from a baseball game. He shattered half of the bones in his body. There's a twenty percent chance of him surviving." Suddenly, I feel my heart shatter in two. When Jerry started his abuse, Luki was trying to stop it. When Dad left, Luki was right beside him, telling him to stay. When Mom got cancer, Luki was by her side cheering her on. My brave, stupid big brother. Luki.

Mom and I cry for a long time, so long it feels like eternity. I can't and won't look at a clock. It reminds me of the short life Luki's currently living. After a long while, I hear a doctor call "Megurine?" My entire family walks over to the emergency surgery cube. 

The doctor, a short brunette with a heavy Russian accent, tells us that Luki will need at least a week to recover. Not fully, but until no further surgery is needed. We walk back with at least one good thing out of all of this, even though everyone is still heavily depressed.

I take out my phone, and start scrolling through notifications. Most of them said something along the lines of "Hope Luki gets better," and all that cheesy garbage. A lot of them were from people I had not seen in a long time, most of them family friends. I tried to ignore the painful memories of Luki looking through the same notifications when Mom had cancer, and replying to every one with: "Yeah, she's not fine." It was a dick move, but hey, it was Luki.

I message everyone back with a smiley face and "cheers", and accept the urge to put my phone away. But before I do, I make my way up my message board until I come across my favorite name: Miku. I hate being sympathetic, I really do. But I feel Miku has grown on me as a friend, we've even explored our sexuality a little bit together. I text her an old picture of Luki, and tell her what's going on. As I do, I recognize that my stepdad, Jerry, isn't here. I feel angry, but manage to control myself knowing that some people just don't have the same connections.

I sit down, and wait. And think. About Luki. Luki wasn't really selfish, except for the rare times I boasted my grades, and he stole my report card. Luki was always innocent, even if his dick jokes sucked. I remember back when Luki graduated from middle school, fifth grade me thought he was so cool. I remember back to his handwriting, very messy and unclean. But when I was little, he'd scare me with funny tales about ghosts hidden in every stroke he'd make with his pencil. I even think back to the jacket, a time when I was about nine years old, and Luki would tease me for liking pink. But it was the same time Luki tried so hard to protect me and Mom from getting abused. Luki protected me every step I took, he was the big brother everyone in my class would wish for.

Before I know it, night has passed, and Mom is fast asleep on Dad's shoulder. Cute. The place is pretty much empty, except for several maids running around from the cafe upstairs. As I'm about to grab a snack, the door opens and I see Miku standing in a fuzzy winter coat, a scarf wrapped up around her mouth. Instinct calls for me to hug her. I do.

"Really Luka?" Miku asks me as we walk to get a sandwich together. "You had to call for me in the middle of one of the worst New York blizzards out there? You could've got me killed!" I chuckle. "Oh c'mon, you don't know what a true blizzard is until you visit England!" I respond. It feels good to laugh during a dark time, I really wish I had felt this when I was an emo teen with emotional issues dealing with cancer. Maybe I could have avoided my rough experience all together if I had just found someone like Miku to keep me company.

/oh shit waddup here come dat boi/

"Ahh! So you had a pet too!" Miku squeals as I tell her about Yukine on the way back from the cafe. She has the funniest obsession with pets. "Ah! I need to use the ladies room! Be right back!" I lay my back against the wall and smile. Miku sure is a nice friend!

I decide to join her in the bathroom, I don't know what I'm doing tonight. As I go in the stall, I notice Miku is blushing like a hyper-eccentric tomato. I feel the same, I really do. When I walk out however, I realize the stalls are completely empty. The door is locked. I freak for a moment, then notice Miku standing right next to me. "Luka, I think we're stuck," she whispers quietly. After a moment I nod. "Yes, we are Miku."

Miku gets up and walks over to the closet. The lights aren't off, they must've just accidentally locked it for night shift. Miku has an interest in the empty stall, she probably has never been in a situation like this in her life. As I walk in the closet to see what's so important, the stall smashes shut. It's not locked, but we definitely won't be able to get out soon. Suddenly, I feel Miku's hand on my stomach. We're cramped together, so I doubt this was intentional. But then, I feel Miku's hand going lower, and lower, and lower...

"Ughh!" I shiver as Miku's fingers dance across my clit. My panties seem to be loosened when she slowly backs her hand out. I grin. I slowly reach my fingers in her shirt through her collar, and she squirms with excitement. I snap her bra off, and start to massage her breasts. Miku takes her finger, and slowly inserts it inside me. It feels new. I sharply inhale, my mouth almost watering it feels so good. Miku's obviously pleasured, her eyes start to gleam with seduction. I cusp her breasts and start squeezing her nipples. I wrangle my pants off, and sit in a more comfortable position. I'm now on top of Miku vertically. I feel Miku's fingers move inside me, and I moan with pleasure. Miku's shirt is now off, and I lay my tongue on her breasts. Miku slaps her hand against the wall and starts to shake, she's turned on. I help Miku's panties come off, and before I know it, I'm licking her pussy. My tongue causes Miku to moan, her knees start to tense up. I take one last lick, and Miku unbuttons my shirt for me. She switches from vagina to side breast, a change that causes me to moan, "Miku, harder!" I take her sloppy, wet lips and clench them tightly. I play with her tongue, as I take my fingers and shove them inside of the girl. I'm being deep-throated, but I feel twice as much as last time. Suddenly, I feel everything getting faster and harder. I feel my breath speed up, and my moaning sexual. I love this girl. I know it now. My eyes get wider as my pussy feels destroyed from the fingering. Time stops in a flash, and a lightning rod strikes both of us, as I moan with my entire might. I just orgasmed, and just in time.

~God, I love writing smut. But this time, I wanted a more emotional feel, since I actually studied for once (Woo!) I'm also going to make the final chapters more family related and relationship depth, but that does mean a bit emotional. I will actually be starting to upload more times a week and with longer chapters!~

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