g i v i n g - t a k i n g

6 1 0

You look at me,
You're in pain and that's all I see,
You come to me with open arms,
So I embrace you so you feel no harm,
Then you come yet again,
With something new,
You're falling apart,
And I knew,
So I give you a reason to believe,
But you see,
I am the giver,
You are the taker,
I will give as much as you need.

You come to me with a broken bone,
That's okay here's my own,
You run to me with tears,
Come here darling,
Let me wipe them them fears away,
You hobble to me,
And you can't breathe,
I would pull out a lung in place it in you,
You see I do this because you would do the same for me,
But you do not truly see,
That I'm not broken,
I can fix myself,
And I believe,
I love you the most,
But what I need,
Is for you to let me believe,
That you will stay,
That you will never leave,
But darling I'm so afraid,
Because I keep on giving,
And you will keep on taking.

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