(((self))) (((love)))

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I always avoid writing "highly" of myself,
Afraid of sounding vain,
Or coming out too confident,
Afraid of most things in life,
Little do most people know I often downgrade myself,
I hate my reflection,
My nose is too long,
I'm not a size zero,
I do not have beautiful legs,
I don't have a perfect body,
I can't tan,
Oh how I'm my worst critic,
Confidence is something I for one lack,
But with one day at a time,
I've gotten better,
I've learned to accept the things I can't change,
It will get better,
It does get better,
It had,
And I do love myself,
I just have my down days,
So I will write "highly" of myself,
For I need to understand that self love is beyond important.

I hope you realize,
That your beauty cannot be fathomed into words,
For you are an imperfect human,
Imperfection is the most stunning,

So I ask,

Do you love yourself?

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