° the Promise °

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Seeing Meera covered in blood, a small insignificant memory flashes before my eyes.

"Yeollie, why is this little bunny covered in red flowers?" The youngest child of the King and Queen asked. Her large brown eyes innocently looked up at her brother.

Startled, the older boy quickly runs to the little girl's side and covers her eyes from behind. Tears roll down her pale cheeks as she wimpers. "Why isn't he moving, Oppa? Was it something that I did?"

With a heavy sigh, the brother leans his head on the top of her curly dark hair and whispers a small message.

An insignificant message.

Something not worth remembering.

"Close your eyes. Respect the life but never regret it." I said out loud as I looked down at my adopted little sister. Shaking my head from such thoughts, the soldier inside me kicks in.

She isn't dead yet. Not if I can help it...

Pressing two fingers on the side of her neck, I'm relieved to feel a slight pulse. Before I could continue, my Leader and Hoya rushed in with guns in hand.

"Clear!" Hoya yells before assessing the situation before him. "We're going to need a doctor immediantly!" He yells into the intercom before kneeling next to me.

"I expect a detailed report after this." Sung-kyu harshly demanded from me as he felt for a pulse. Satisfied that she was stil alive, he gets back up and scans the area while we wait for the doctor.

The crunching of glass beneath his feet filled the air.

"What in the world are you doing here unprepared? A soldier is never caught off guard!" Sungkyu barked down at me. "What did I try to drill into you new recruits during training for 2 years?!"

"Sir! An unprepared soldier is a dead soldier, Sir!" I yelled as I saluted my leader.

With a disgruntled growl, Sungkyu takes out an extra gun from inside his vest and tosses it down to me.

"Hoya, can you see clearly?" Sung-kyu questioned as Hoya got up to investigate.

When Hoya shook his head, Sungkyu throws a small flashlight at him.

Catching it with his free hand, Hoya turns the flashlight on while still holding his gun steady.

"Do you know where origin of this explosion is located?"Hoya asked as he kicked an empty black container with his feet. Picking it up, he closely inspects it.

"The window. Someone shot the through the window with an assassin's gun and then threw that grenade inside."

"Well, thankfully this one is a fake. These models are only used for shocking the opponent and paralizing them. They emit smoke and bright lights. Harmless but still...." Hoya said as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Was this the first threat that she's encountered?" I asked.

"You tell me, Sungyeol. Is it not normal for people from the royal line to receive threats?" Sung-kyu asked with a patronizing tone.

Hanging my head, I nod in silent aggreement. "I use to receive a lot of threats while I was still living here, but I never imagined little Meera to receive them as well..."

"Your little sister is the Queen over our whole nation. Of course she will receive death threats. You need to wake up from your selfish world before something else chooses to wake you up." Sung-kyu frowned as the sound of the doctor's appearance brought our conversation to an abrupt halt.

The Players // Infinite EditionWhere stories live. Discover now