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"Ow, don't you think that was a little harsh? " The blond haired boy whined as he held his nose which was now bleeding.

"No, I think I am being too easy on you. All of us almost got mauled by monsters! Myungsoo and I almost killed ourselves because of that stupid music box. And Dongwoo is almost dead from blood loss while you sip tea with the Queen as if nothing is wrong!"

"Correct me if I'm wrong but I am getting this strange feeling that your upset." Sungjong calmly said as he carefully got up and brushed off his clothes. Wiping the blood from his nose, he reaches over the table and picks up a small piece of candy that was wrapped in golden paper.

"Here, have a lemon drop." The feminine boy smiled as he offered the piece of candy. "It's the best if you have a lot to think about. "

"Ahhh thanks." I said as I smiled back while picking up the candy from his open palm. And then taking the candy, I threw it right back in his face.

"What's wrong with you?! I just told you that my friend was dying from blood loss and all you got from that was that I had a lot on my mind?!" I yelled at the boy in frustration.

Sensing my anger escalating, Myungsoo gets up and places a restraining hand on my shoulder to calm me down. Shaking his head, his eyes flash a warning not to abuse the boy anymore.

With concern, Meera goes to the boy and helps him up.

"Please forgive him, he has anger issues. " I could hear Meera whisper to Sungjong which didn't really make me any happier. Helping him get to his feet she picked up the thrown candy from the floor.

"I fell from a tree!! And you give me a piece of candy." Before I could yell at Sungjong any more, Meera rolled her eyes at me and shoved a piece of the candy in my mouth.

"Let the poor boy explain himself."

I roll my eyes when Meera said boy. The boy almost killed us.

Moving the lemon flavored candy in my mouth with my tongue, the taste of bitterness crept into my mouth. Or is it jealousy?

With a dramatic sigh, Sungjong mumbles something about voilent outsiders.

Violent. Pfft...I haven't even started.

"If the gentleman in the back will put the bloodied bat down and follow me, I will show you my grandfather's room where he use to practice medicine. If I remember correctly, Meera told me that you are a doctor? " Sungjong pointed the question towards Woohyun.

"I am. No offense though, but I don't trust you. Nothing personal of course but it's hard to believe that you want to help us when your the reason we are injured." Woohyun said drily as he lazily swung the bat with his free hand.

"Okay." Sungjong shrugged his shoulders. "Since you don't trust me then we can just stay here and watch your friend die in front of us."

Woohyun gulped at his words as Dongwoo grimaced in pain.

"Or you can put away your pride and follow me to my grandfather's infirmary. If you want, we can all go and I can explain once the injured man is in a more stable condition." Even though the young man looked fragile to the touch, his sense of presence was strong as he easily took control of the situation in the room.

Lowering his eyes, Woohyun nodded his head. "Please help my friend." He begged as he dropped the bat along with his pride in order to save his friend.

"That's more like it. I like people with manners." Sungjong carefully looked at me when he said that.

Motioning with his hand, the blond prince lead us out of the small room and out of the dark encased room. Walking up the stairs we continued up into what I thought was the attic.

The Players // Infinite EditionWhere stories live. Discover now