° the Doctor °

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We all stood up when Doctor Boohyun closed the door to the room. "Is Shizuka okay?!" I asked as worry was written all over my face.

"Shizuka will be fine but he is going to have to stay in bed. I'm afraid that the game you guys played caused his body to weaken and the tumor to grow. Right now...he needs to take it easy. " Doctor Boohyun said as he gave a pointed look at Dongwoo.

Tumor?  What tumor?

Biting his lip, Dongwoo broke eye contact with the Doctor. I looked down and could see him clench his hands in frustration and anger. I hope he doesn't blame himself for Shizuka's state....

In order to direct the Doctor's attention away from Dongwoo, I asked to talk to him in private. Surprised, Sungyeol glances at me while giving me a silent question that only I could understand. Shaking my head, he nods his head in understanding before Doctor Boohyun lead me out of the room and into his office.


Once we were in his office and the Doctor had closed the door, he turned to me expectantly.

"What is it?" He kindly asked which gave me courage.

"What kind of tumor does Shizuka have?"

Raising his eyebrows, Doctor Boohyun gave me a calculating look before he continued. "Before I answer you...may I ask as to why you are so concerned about Shizuka's health? I do not mean to be rude, but I tend to feel very protective over our village children. They are easily...taken advantage of." Doctor Boohyun said with a soothing and calm voice.

"The children said that Shizuka had Aphonism like Myungsoo. Is the tumor related to his lack of speach or separate?"

"Ahh, so you are worried that whatever Shizuka is experiencing now may be something your boyfriend will experience in the future?" Doctor Boohyun said with an amused look.

Even though I knew he was joking, I still felt my whole face turn a bright tint of red as I stammered out my response.

"Of course I'm worried about...about.. Myungsoo. We are just......friends! But nevermind that! I am even more worried about Shizuka...the children...they talked about a cure that you were working on for him."

Frowning, Doctor Boohyun heaved a heavy sigh before looking up at me with sad eyes.

"Since my family is the only one who practices medicine in Petrichor, we usually divide up the work. I specialize with illnesses that involve the elderly. My younger brother is the one who treats the children since the children feel more confortable when they are around him." Doctor Boohyun quirked a smile. "Him and Dongwoo both tend to be a children at heart, so they work along great with children."

Waiting for him to continue,  I noticed that I was holding my breath in anticipation. Breathe Meera...

"My younger brother, has been in search of a certain plant that he discovered would cease the growth of the tumor. If you have any more questions, I suggest talking to him. The children call him Doctor Namu, But since it sounds like our last name (Nam) people tend to easily get confused."

"Where can I find your brother then?" I asked desperately. I refuse to do nothing while a little boy slowly dies before my eyes. Not if I can help it!

Suddenly, the sound of lightning striking the earth caused the whole building to tremble from its rage. "Ahh, looks like he is back." Doctor Boohyun said with a smile. "If my hunch is correct, then my little brother is probably at Dongwoo's house wondering where everyone is."

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