° the Interrogation °

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"I give you one job and you failed it!" Sunkyu said angrily as he stared down at me. I was sitting in a tiny darkly lit room. Leaning my body against one of the walls, I ask Sungkyu if the room was soundproof before disclosing any information.

Frowning,  Sungkyu slowly nods his head.

"This castle...it's getting too dangerous for Meera."

"Meera?" Sungkyu raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Glad to know that you are already on first name basis with the Queen." He said with a hint of warning.

"Yes, the castle is dangerous, but that's why I assigned you to be her bodyguard!" Sungkyu yelled as he slammed his fist into the wall near my head. With his volume, I wouldn't be surprised if someone had heard him through the sound proof room.

Unfazed, I stared down at my leader and stood firm. "Myungsoo and I will continue to protect her, but her being in this castle is only going to make it easier for people to gain access to her."

"And you think the outside world is any better?!"

I nodded my head.

"Where do you suggest? The red light district? And before you even answer that question, I understand that you were able to live quietly and peacefully near the outskirts of town away from the prying eyes of others. But there are monsters who live outside of these walls as well."

Frustrated, I blurted out the thing that was bothering me since the crazy male servant incident.

"If more people come to try and kill her then the Game will begin!"

Startled, Sungkyu paused from his talk-down to peer up at me with a contemplative look. "What makes you think that?"

"The last time there was turmoil in the kingdom...the Narrator began the game."

"It's been a while since we played the Game." Sungkyu said in awe as he thought of the Game beginning once more.

"Wasn't the reason behind the Royal Massacre was because the previous players lost to the Mafia?"

"The Mafia players were able to kill every member of the royal line besides Queen Meera in that Game. But they didn't fully win because the Doctor saved the Queen from being killed.

Unfortunately, Queen Meera disappeared after being saved leaving us without a ruler. And since the Mafia players didn't win, they couldn't rule the kingdom either. So the Military took over the affairs of the kingdom." Sungkyu reported.

"Kill the whole royal family...doesn't that mean that her whole family were chosen as players?"

Nodding his head, Sungkyu excused himself to retrieve something.

"If the game begins again...who will be the next players?" I thought to myself.
I have to make sure I'm in this next game if Meera is going to survive...

When Sungkyu came back in, he thumps a huge book onto the table. "This is a written report of every Game that has every been played in this history of this country. The origin of the Game and its players are also written in this book."

Amazed, I reached over to touch the book but Sungkyu grabs my hand.

"What are you so worried about?"

"The people chosen to play the game always consist of at least one royal member and the rest are the common people. Innocent citizens chosen to play in the game were killed in this bloody battle. Even little children..."

"Have you've read the whole book?"

Sungkyu nods his head. "The youngest child to die was a four year old girl."

The Players // Infinite EditionWhere stories live. Discover now