° the Monsters °

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Sungyeol POV

The ground was slippery from the rain, and darkness surrounds us like a curtain. The only thing I could see was a soft glow that would slowly fade in and out from Woohyun's flashlight.

Stumbling a little, I reach for a nearby treebranch to steady myself. While I was catching my breath, I see two similar orbs or orange light staring at me. They seem to beckon to me as I'm slowly drawn to the liquid orbs or orange. Confused, I'm about to lean in closer when I feel something on my shoulder. Freaking out, I cover my mouth to muffle my scream.

Dongwoo looks at me weirdly as I tried to catch my breath. Removing his hand from my shoulder, he tries to shout something but his voice is stolen by the sound of thunder above us.

I could barely make out his words when attempts to say it again. "Are you okay?" he asks

"I saw something weird..." I trailed off as I turn towards where the two orbs of light were. But they weare long gone.

Shrugging his shoulders, Dongwoo points to a bobbing light that indicated where Woohyun was. Nodding my head, I'm about to follow behind Dongwoo when a crack of lighning makes the nightsky above look like day.

Clapping my hands over my ears, the ground beneath me trembles from the aftershock. When I look for Dongwoo to see if he was alright, I find that I am alone again.

Another clap of thunder alerts me that the storm must be directly aabove us. "Perfect timing." I grumbled. "Can it get any worse?"

As if to answer my question, one of the lightning shards strikes a tree which lights it on fire. The heat of the fire and the rain creates a thick steam making it harder for me to see.

The smoke was suffocating as I hold my arm over my mouth while I begin to frantically run.

I don't know where I'm running, but I do know that I need to get as far away from the fire as possible.

Lightning hits the tallest object, so I should stay in the forest so I don't get struck. Avoid high ground...

As I'm aimlessly running, I whisper a couple of prayers for the safety of everyone else.

I hope I'm not the only one who got separated...

Finally, my breathing becomes uneven. As I slow down to a jog, I notice that the fog around me has become an eerie green. Looking up, I couldn't even see the sky because the fog was so thick. But the rain stopped, which made me happy.

Pushing my wet bangs back, I stopped moving so I could check out my surroundings.

It's okay Sungyeol. You're an adult
...so I should be able to get myself out of this mess.

Suddenly, I am paralized by fear. A sickening feeling swirls in my stomach which makes me both dizzy and nauseous.

Staring right back at me were the oddly familiar orbs of light. Only this time, I was surrounded by the orange eyes as the stare back at me without blinking.

"Ya!" I yelled to scare them into blinking, but only my voice is echoed as the eyes continue to stare.

Watching them closely, I move to the left, only to have the eyes follow my movement without even moving.

This is creeping me out!

I take a deep breath as the world around me begins to slow down as if it is on pause.

Trying to stay calm, I slowly move to the only place without eyes that I guessed was the exit.

I almost made it too until the howl of an unknown animal pierces the silence. That sound was like some unknown person had pressed play to the story of my life.

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