° the Confusion °

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"The Blue Flower?"

"It's a myth and I rarely go chasing after rumors...but Shizuka is running out of time. Besides...myths originate from truths..right?" Woohyun posed the question out loud as if he was directing it towards himself.

"I want to help!" I raised my hand.

"No, it would be too dangerous. And if I'm not mistaken, you're the Queen of our country. I can't risk putting your life in danger. "

"And I can't risk putting Shizuka's life in danger either!" I said stubbornly. "Besides... a Queen is suppose to take care of her people and last I checked...Shizuka is a citizen of the Kingdom of Aurora."

"But your life is consider by many to be more important than a small orphan boy." Woohyun said with a questioning tone.

"I don't care what most people consider to be important. In my opinion, every life is equally important."

"If only I could believe your words..."

"Why are you being so cold towards me?" I hurtfully said as I looked up at him with wide eyes. "You treated me pretty nicely when you didn't know that I was the Queen."

"Then maybe you shouldn't have been Queen." He shot back as he stormed out of the room.

Trying to think of some angry retort to shout at his retreating back, my mind came up blank. "..it's not like I wanted to be Queen..." I whispered to the now closed door.

Before I could mutter anything else, I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Hello?" I asked while trying to keep my voice steady. I despised how my voice seemed to tremble as I tried to keep my emotions in check.

The door slowly opened and in revealed a sleepy Myungsoo. At the sound of my trembling voice, he quickly closes the distance between us with his long legs and embraces me. At the feel of his arms around me, I began to cry like a wounded puppy.

"I never wanted to be Queen...I just wanted to live...." I sobbed as I recalled the game I had to play against my parents and siblings that killed everyone but me.

"Was it wrong to want to live? Should I have just given up and died? I knew my father wasn't the best ruler...but he was still my dad..." I cried as tears streamed down my face. Unlike the usual stories of girls crying with a single tear down their cheek without ruining their makeup, I looked very ugly when I cried.

When he heard me regret about living, he cupped my face in his hands and looked at me with his soulful eyes.

I wish I could hear him speak...if just for once to hear his voice. Is it a sweet tenor or a warm baritone voice?

While I was spacing out, Myungsoo had taken out his notepad and scribbled something down. Wiping my eyes with the back of my hands, I look for something to blow my nose with.

Once I looked somewhat presentable, I peak over Myungsoo's shoulder to see what he was writing.

No matter how many times you will regret winning that game, I never will. If it wasn't for your will to fight, to survive, we would have never met. I can't imagine my life without you. My life began when we met. Everything before that is just a distant memory. A nightmare that I refuse to redream.

I couldn't help but give him a wobbly smile. "If only the other's thought the same way."

Don't change yourself in order to please people. And when you stay yourself, the right people will like you for the right reasons. Myungsoo wrote down.

Sniffing, I wrap my arms around him. "Thank you." I whispered. "Thank you for liking me when everyone else doesn't. You deserve someone who will love you to infinity."

The Players // Infinite EditionWhere stories live. Discover now