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Sungyeol POV

Not knowing what they were doing, I decided to go back to bed. Meera should be okay if Myungsoo is there..

With that thought in mind, I climbed up to the top bunk and quickly fell asleep. Having a dreamless night, I jerked up in bed from the sound of a loud thump. What was that?!

Quietly, I slid out of bed and from the top bunk. Landing like a cat onto the ground, I braced my impact with my hands when my bare feet hit the cold floor.

When I closed my eyes, I could hear the sound of heavy breathing. On closer inspection, I identified the source of the sound as Myungsoo collapsing onto the bottom bunk.

If Myungsoo is in here..then what time is it? The only source of light was covered with heavy curtains that covered the room in darkness 24-7. Getting dressed, I rushed outside only to be blinded by the light.

How late did I stay asleep?

I knock on Meera's door and wait patiently. Hearing her voice, I let out a sigh in relief. I'm going to need a clock in my room so this won't happen again.

When Meera opened the door, she was in casual wear. Her long hair was swept up into a loose ponytail with small tendrils sticking out near her ears and behind her neck. Wearing skinny jeans and a loose navy shirt, I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I got a message from Sung-kyu that I would need to wear something simple today." Meera explained as she lead the way to the dining room. "And stop following me around like a lovesick puppy!"

Makeing a weird face from her camparison, I shook my head stubbornly.

"If you're going to escort me around, walk next to me not behind me." Meera heaved a sigh as she took my hand and pulled so that I was beside her.

"So demanding." I joked as I looked down at her tenderly. While we were talking, Meera had lead us into a huge room that appeared to come straight from a storybook. The walls were made out of glass that were delicately designed with golden floral filigree that reflected pretty designs on the dark mohagongy floors. The ceiling was raised to a ridiculous height that made one feel like they were outside. Inside the expansive room was a long table with golden china placed for one person at the end of the table.

Quickening my pace, I grabbed her chair and pulled it out for her. With a wry smile, Meera was about to refuse but then thought better of it. Graciously accepting my offer, she sits down and I gently push her in.

When a male servant enters to ask her what she wishes to eat , she orders for him to set up two more places on the table.

"Pardon?" The man asked confused.

"I have two friends who will be eating with me today. Could you set two more places for them?"

"Your Highness..."


we both said at the same time but she held her hand up.

"What's the use of having a bodyguard if he can't even eat with me? Besides, Sung-kyu is coming as well so we will have a party of three today." She gave me her bewitching smile before politely dissmissing the male servant. Writing her request down, he quickly bowed before leaving.

"Weird...I don't recognize him. He must be a new hired worker." Meera muttered while avoiding my eyes.

"Meera, I could have eaten in the kitchen. I understand where I stand in society." I sighed as I leaned on the back of her chair and looked down at her. "You're a hopeless mess when it comes to social etiquette."

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