° the Narrator °

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Walking with Myungsoo to our rooms, I tried to carry a conversation with him.
"Can you hear me?"
Looking at me with a tired look, Myungsoo nods his head in agreement.

Awkwardness falls on us until we reach our room. "Have you've slept any since the incident?" Shaking his head,  Myungsoo walks past me and collapses onto his bed. When I walk over to the our bunk beds, I noticed that he was already fast asleep. Shaking my head while smiling, I go to the bathroom to take a shower before heading to bed. When I walk out of the bathroom, I notic that Myungsoo still had his mask on.

Does he ever take that off? It's got to be uncomfortable for him...

With a heavy sigh, I squat near the foot of the bed and reach out to remove his mask but strong hands push me away causing me to fall back onto the ground.

"What the...did he just hit me in his sleep or was it intentional?" Suspiciously watching Myungsoo for awhile, I dismissed the thought.

He must have had a bad dream or sonething.

Climping onto the top bunk, I close my eyes and rest my body. Soon I was having a dream of a handsome fox chasing down a cute bunny.


Feeling someone tapping my forehead, I groan in annoyance. "Go away." I grumbled as I roll over in the bed.

Small hands shook my shoulder while whispering my name.

"Yeollie? Are you still sleeping?"

"No, I'm just resting my eyes for a prolonged amount of time."  I muttered.  Yeollie... no one has called me that in ages...who would know my nickname?

With a gasp, I shoot straight up in bed. "Meera!" Coming face to face with the Queen, I couldn't help but look away. Realizing that I didn't have a shirt on, I pulled my covers over my exposed upperbody.

"You shouldn't be in a man's room, Meera. Rumors will begin to spread..." I whined as a slight blush began to creep up my face.

"You guys have been sleeping for almost two days though." Meera pounted as she climbed down from my top bunk and hopped onto the ground.

Rubbing my eyes, I wipe my groggy face with my hands so I could wake up. "Give me a couple of minutes to get dressed and I'll meet you there. Have Myungsoo escort you to your room."

"That's the problem. I can't get Myungsoo to wake up and his breathing is....irregular. I think he is having one of his nightmares." Hearing her words pierce my foggy mind, I remembered Myungsoo harshly pushing me last night when I tried to take his mask off. What if he pushes Meera when she tries to wake him up?

"Close your eyes, Meera." I commanded as I began the descent down the top bunk.

"Relax, Sungyeol. It's not like you have abs to show off." Meera joked as she turned her back on me to give me some sense of privacy.

Aish, this girl. I smiled as I crouch down near the sleeping Myungsoo. Hesitant at first, I begin to shake Myungsoo's shoulder. Myungsoo brushes my hands away as he turns his back to me. I grab one of his arms in annoyance and pull him onto the ground.

"That should wake him."  I thought with a smirk.

With a start, Myunsoo's eyes flashed open dangerously and with a tint of fear. Grabbing me, he flips me over onto the ground and pins me underneath him. Seeing a deadly glint in his eyes, I begin to panic and struggle underneath his hold on me. "Wake up, it's me, Sungyeol!"

The Players // Infinite EditionWhere stories live. Discover now