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35 10 14

Meera's POV

"Jang Dongwoo, at your service." The exotic looking man said with an amused smile.

The first word that popped in my head was "short". Always being around tall people like Sungyeol and Myungsoo, I was surprised to be able to look him in the eyes without tilting my head.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I politely curtsied.

"The pleasure is all mine." The man named Dongwoo grinned. When he smiled, I noticed that his lower lip stuck out a little which looked cute to me.

While Sungyeol began a conversation with Dongwoo's sister, I watched as Dongwoo fidgeted and seemed to be constantly moving.

"Would you like to dance with me?" I laughed out as I watched the man in front of me.

"Really? I'd love to! What's the use of a party if everyone just stands and talks?"

Leading me onto the dance floor, I noticed how well he could dance. Gracefully, he guides me throughout the song with ease. While we spun around and laughed together, Dongwoo began to open up about hinself.

"I live on the outskirts of the Kingdom. The land stretches out before you for miles in the countryside.

"Countryside? What do you do there?"

"As you know, this country is made up of games. Families, cities, and kingdoms rise and fall because of the games we humans play. Even the ruler of our beloved country is chosen based on a game, am I right?"

Nodding my head, a brief glimpse of the last game of Mafia that I played flashed before my eyes.

"But not all games determine life or death. There are also fun games that one can play for pure amusement."

I listen to Dongwoo in disbelief as he began to tell me stories of games that held no consequences if one lost.

It is almost like he is telling me a fairytail.

You don't believe me do you?" Dongwoo asked unsurprised as his smile slightly faltered.

"No! It's just...hard to imagine a game without consequences. In Court, we take games so seriously that before anyone starts, you have to sign a contract. Hearing you telling me about "fun" games sounds like...hmmm...a fantasy."

"Fine, if you don't believe me than I highly suggest you come visit where I live and I'll show you what fun is." Dongwoo winked as a glint of mischief sparkled in his mysterious eyes which intrigued me

"The sky is beautiful there. I usually stay up every night to watch the beautiful sun set and the stars stretch before me."

"It sounds like a dream."I said as yearning tinted my voice.

Not noticing, Dongwoo kept reminescing about his hometown.

"If you were given a choice, how would you want to dream? For me...I would prefer to dream with my eyes open." Dongwoo gave me a goofy smile which almost made me laugh again.

"Dreams? What are those?" I tried to asked lightly, but bitterness crept into my voice. "All I know are nightmares."

"Nightmares are made up of fears or regrets. Nightmares are probably the closest to reality because just like reality, it appears ugly to our eyes. But dreams...." he said in a wispy voice as his eyes grew distant.

"Dreams are made up of things we desire or hope for. They will always be unattainable, because once a dream is reached, it no longer holds it's special meaning. Like a star, it remains beautiful as long as it is far from our reach and in the distance."

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