° the Escape °

38 9 22

"There..huff huff...has been...huff...another murder."


Sungyeol POV

Murder? I felt a slight tingling feeling throughout my body. I sneek a glance at Meera to see how she handled the news. Her mouth was slightly open as her eyes widened in shock. Mouthing words that were barely audible, I wanted to comfort her but something inside me hesitated.

"I received orders from Sung-kyu to escort you and the Queen out of this castle before the sunrise. Because of the urgency of this mission, I was only given certain information. The rest is up to you..." Hoya warily said as he handed me a letter. Quickly breaking the seal, I tried to read the sloppy handwriting that was written in a rush.

Sungyeol, if something is to happen that may endanger the Queen, this letter is meant only for your eyes. Take the Queen to this distinct location and two people will meet you there. When everything is clear, I will send for you to return. Otherwise...stay hidden and trust no one.

At the bottom of the note, there was an unfamiliar address.

"Who died?" Meera's voice startled both of us as we looked up at her.

"Kim Moonsoo."

"The country's Liaison?" I asked in confusion. Wasn't he just a teenager?

"Myungsoo's little brother?" Meera gasped in surprise as she got up. "I have to find Myungsoo right now!"

Myungsoo had a little brother?

Grabbing her hand, Hoya tried to keep her from going back into the ballroom.

"It's crazy in there! Sung-kyu doesn't want you to go in there because the killer is still in the castle."

"Do you expect me to just hide in fear while my best friend is in there hurting and probably crying?" Meera yelled as she slipped from Hoya's grasp and sprinted towards the ballroom.

With a heavy sigh, I follow behind her closely. This feels familiar...

Just like Hoya said, the whole room was a mess. Eveyone was panicking and screaming on the top of their lungs. In order to contain the chaos, the Royal Guards were trying to close down all exits and entrances. While the guards were busy, we were able to sneak inside the ballroom without being caught.

As we were running, my feet almost slipped from spilled punch. Or is it blood?

Following the trail of red, the sight before me squeezed at my heart as a pitiful sight lay before me.

A young boy was laying in a pool of his own blood. A man was kneeling next to the dead body as blood covered his once nice black suit. When one of the Royal Guards tried to approach him, the Myungsoo swung a staff-like spear towards the intruder as he tried to shield his little brother's dead body with his own.

"Get back! Stay away..." his face seemed to say as he wouldn't let anyone come near them.

Even though Myungsoo was born mute, his face screamed of his grief louder than any voice could. Tears streamed down his face which washed away his makeup that covered his scars on his mouth.

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