° the Hostage °

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"Just kidding. " the man says with a creepy smile as he uncocks his gun. "I just need to retrieve someone. Let's make a deal. You give me that guy in exchange for you and your boyfriend's lives. A once in a lifteime offer."

"And if I refuse?" ChenJae asks as she shifts her weight on the man so that he would stop moving.

"If you refuse then the deal is off and I can't guarantee that you will get out of this situation alive." His once warm smile turned menacing.

Taking a quick glance at Sungkyu's body, she sees him move slightly as he groans.

"Your partner is of no use to you right now. I made sure of that." The guy says without even glancing behind him.

"I'm waiting, Miss. Lee." the man yawns as he looks at her with a bored face.

"Who are you and why do you want this guy?" ChenJae tried to stall for time.

Frowning, the man looks down at her in contemplation before deciding whether to talk or not.

"Time's up! Give me the man or you die."

"The guy isn't worth your life." Sungkyu groaned as he struggled to get up but fell back down onto the pavement.

"I suggest you listen to your boyfriend." the man smiles cynically down at her.

With a frown, ChenJae raises her arms in surrender and drops the knife. "No boyfriend of mine would tell me to give up."

"Yeah, yeah. That's nice." The man says before landing a kick on ChenJae which knocks down her small body. Crying out in pain, ChenJae coughs up blood which splatter on the dark pavement.

"I thought we had a deal!" she yelled.

"You're still alive aren't you?" the man laughs before pointing his gun at Sungkyu's lying form and shooting.


When ChenJae opens up her eyes again, she notices that she was in some dusty basement.

Once her eyes adjusted,  a small crumbled figure began to look familiar.

When ChenJae spots the silver tattoo on the guy's neck, she begins to frantically scream.

But the gag in her mouth only muffles her cries for help.

"I see you're finally awake. " the unknown voice seemed to smirk.

The crunch of gravel scared ChenJae as a hand snakes around her face and covers her eyes.

"If you try to escape, you'll end up like you're boyfriend."  He whispers as a he drags a cold metal object across her face.  Brushing her hair off her neck,  he began to trace his gloved fingers over it.

"Such smooth skin. Untouched maybe?" he chuckled as he took his knife and cuts the gag off.

"What do you want, you creep!" ChenJae yelled in anger as her whole body convulsed in horror.

"Simple. I want you to bring me the dead guard's body. "

"Moonsoo? "


"The guard that you killed. His name was Moonsoo. You should know is name...unless. You killed the wrong guard?" ChenJae realized in horror.

The Players // Infinite EditionWhere stories live. Discover now