beauty and grace

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as young girls we are taught to seal our mouths with duct tape. to glue our lips closed because the words that rush through them are unladylike and draw attention to us. we are taught the simple sit down and shut up because its "improper" to act out in such a vile way. our silent screams are forced back down our throats and we feel the need to apologize for tripping over the feet that snaked in between our own hoping to trip us up. on the soul chance it would teach us a lesson.

submissive mindsets are set in place, replacing our unique ones and instead of speaking up to ask "why" we remember our lips are zippers and they have not been opened up yet. we have not been asked to speak. our bones ache and grieve for the lack of movement and our washed out grey skin wishes for the sun to make us flourish. solitude is what we are granted with. we are expected to be grateful.

how can we be grateful for the things that are given to us when they lower our self worth? when they make us feel like a simple gush of wind from a set of chapstick lathered lips could break us altogether. how can we be grateful when we are left in the dark knowing we deserve more but the thoughts placed in our brains tell us otherwise? how can we be grateful for being brainwashed?

that is the true dark demeanor of the question to which follows why do we continue to brainwash girls to thinking they have to act a certain way. we put in their minds that spreading their legs out of either love or lust makes them usable. even though the action is between two people, its a one act shame session.

instead of breaking down girls layer by layer, making sure each one is more destructive than the next, how about we build up women to grow as beautiful as a rose. a rose with droplets of water that weigh the petals down to open, so we can see their inner beauty. we can see their veins along with the struggles they went through and instead of shaming them we tell them its okay. substituting the orders given to them we should tell them they are human, to remind them they have their own thoughts and way of life and they should be proud of what they do. they should be proud of who they are.

do not break us, build us. we are the fuel that makes the world go around, we are the ones that have tender hearts that open up to anyone who needs it. think of freedom when you think of women, the many types of shades and shapes of them, all the art they create just by being themselves. but most of all, think of strength, of the fire inside them that embraces their soul and lights the embers we see glowing throughout their body, a body we should praise upon. we should hold it in our hands, afraid to break such a fragile thing. because even of the strength we hold, we are still breakable. we are still living. remember every ounce of potential we hold, and never forget it.

never forget how much we are worth.


this one made me feel good


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