Exposed Secrets - JJ 👑

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• Severe Bullying
• Mention of self harm
• Mention of suicide
Be warned. Suicide and/or self harm are never the answer

Y/N = Your name
Y/N/N = Your nickname

In which your secret is exposed to the gang.


"To two wonderful years of friendship, I couldn't thank you guys enough. For the writer," You kiss Jughead on the cheek as you toast your champagne to your friends. "To the best gay friend ever," Kevin chuckles. "To the kindhearted girl next door and the greatest housemate in the world," Betty smiles with pure joy. "To the astounding queen of ice, who shocked us all. Even though you just joined us a few months ago, it feels like forever," Veronica gives you a loving hug. "And to the coolest jock in Riverdale High." Archie punches your shoulder playfully. "You've all changed me for the better."

"And to the beautiful, strong girl who stole my heart." You clink glasses with the others and the doorbell rings. Betty frowns.

"I wonder who that could be."

"I'll grab it." You place your glass down, not wanting to disturb your friends. You stride towards the door and unlock it, pulling it open. Your smile soon drops and your stomach sinks. It's Cheryl and Chuck and they'd brought the rest of the grade with them.

"I'm guessing our invitation got lost in the mail." Cheryl's eyes pierces through your soul. Veronica steps in front of you angrily.

"What are you doing here, Cheryl?" Veronica spits so poisonously that you could have mistaken her for Rattlesnake. The fiery girl's eyes lit up as she smirks, gracefully walking through the door and pushing Veronica out of her way. Everyone else follows like a flock of sheep.

"I heard about your little shindig and thought that Chuck and I could help make thing a little more interesting."


Cheryl had started an intense game of Secrets and Sins and things are going downhill fast.

"Anything to say for yourself, Arch? Are you a victim or a perpetrator?" You feel a growl grow in the back of your throat as you quickly attack back, defending your friend.

"Dilton Doyle plays with guns and he might want to be careful before he shoots himself in the foot... or someone in the head." The whole room becomes silent as you smirk, believing you had won. However, you soon shrank down as Chuck chuckles, almost evilly.

"You sit on your high horse, Y/N, but I know the truth. Slice, slice. That's a familiar sound, isn't it?" You feel bile rise in your throat as you begin to panic. You want to curl up into a ball and disappear into the floor.

"What's he talking about, Y/N?" Kevin asks nervously. You seem to lose your ability to speak as Chuck continues.

"I'd understand why. A father who was never there, a mother who never saw you as good enough, bullies attacking you twenty-four seven and the only friend you ever had committing suicide and leaving you by yourself. You contacted one of your mother's friends as a cry for help and of course, she took you under her wing, trying to replace the eldest daughter who was locked away in a behaviour home. You were hoping to escape everything and pretend that your life was perfect." Chuck gets in your face as you feel a sick feeling pass through your whole body. "It's not hard to find connections to Rosewood, especially when I used to write to Lizzy." You finally put two and two together, the years of pain and agony from your past catching up with you as you scream. Everyone watch in horror as you fall into a downward spiral, finally breaking. You were weak and exposed, it shows how broken you really are. It's like losing Lizzy all over again.

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