His Eyes - J.J 👑

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Soulmate AU - you can only see black and white until you meet your soulmate

Age: seventeen
Set: start of season one, but Jason didn't die (when things were much simpler)

Ever since you were younger, you longed for the day of your seventeenth birthday. Your mother told you stories of her seventeenth, otherwise known as her coming-of-age, when she looked into your father's eyes and knew that he was the only one for her. They were blessed, they both had the same birthday, some people weren't as lucky. For example, one of your cousins had to wait a couple more months for her soulmate's birthday until she finally saw what your cousin saw. There was always rare occurrences of unrequited soulmates, but eventually everyone found their one, even if it took a few tries.

That's why you woke up excitedly, a spring in your step as you hop up and have a shower, preparing for the day you had ahead. You get dressed in your favourite outfit, which your mother attempted to describe the colour to you with no avail. Maybe you'd finally be able to admire its colour. You glance in the mirror, the monochrome tone of your eyes slightly lighter than the world around you. You smile, grabbing your phone and heading downstairs to be greeted by your parents.

"Happy birthday darling!" Your mother hugs you, sliding over a plate of your favourite meal. You'd agreed that you would spend breakfast with your parents before heading out to meet the gang at Pop's for a celebratory milkshake. Your phone was already exploding with notifications, messages and birthday shoutouts clouding your lock screen. You silence your phone and eat breakfast with your mum and dad, chatting about what's been happening with school and how it must feel to finally be able to meet your person.

"I'm just scared it's going to be someone that I cannot stand. I know that you can learn to love people, but I just couldn't even imagine ending up with someone like Chuck." You ramble to your mum, your dad already having to leave for work. Your plate was pushed to the side discarded and wrapping paper was speed across the table. Your mum grabs your hand and rubs it comfortingly.

"I'm not supposed to tell you this, but I may or may not know who your soulmate is." You stare at your mother in shock. "And before you ask, no I'm not telling you who it is. They came and spoke to me when they found out you were their soulmate." You feel your heart racing at the idea of your soulmate speaking to your parents.

"A-are they... are they amazing?" Your mother cracks the biggest smile you've ever seen, tears of pride and nostalgia building in her eyes as she gazes at the young woman who used to be her little girl.

"Oh honey, they're perfect for you. I can't wait till you find out who it is, I know that you'll be so ridiculously happy." You giggle, hugging your mum as you quickly check the time.

"Shoot, I better go. Everyone's probably heading to Pop's now." You press a kiss to your mum's cheek before grabbing your bag and racing towards your car. You hop, honking your mother a final goodbye as you pull out of the driveway. You crank some music, jamming out as you drive along. Your music is soon interrupted by your phone ringing, the Bluetooth connecting to the car. You press accept.

"Happy birthday girl!" You hear Veronica cheer   You could also hear Betty in the background, sending her love.

"Guys, I'm about to see you in like ten minutes."

"We know, we just wanted to see how you were feeling today since you finally get to meet your soulmate." Betty fangirls.

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