Cheating (Part 2) - AA 🏈

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Hey guys, a very dramatic backstory for you up ahead, a lot of rage. Also, I know the fandom has a very love-hate relationship with Hermione, but I wanted to play with her nurturing, loving side. Enjoy, but be warned, this may not end well for you and Archie


You honestly have no idea what to say to anyone. As Betty and Kevin arrive at Veronica's and embrace you in a large hug, you just stand there, as if you are frozen in place.

"Oh, Y/N. I'm so sorry." The sympathy in Betty's voice makes you want to cringe. The tears are still going, but your sadness isn't exactly present at the moment. You feel nothing but a swelling rage as your head aches with anger.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asks sincerely, more curiously than sympathetic. Kevin senses that you are truly burning on the inside, your face as bright red as Cheryl's lip colour and your skin almost boiling like a kettle. Your hands, in fists, shake frantically and your teeth grind together so hard that Kevin becomes worried you might chip a tooth.

"Hun, it's okay to be upset. Hell, I'd be worried if you weren't." Veronica's sweet tone, although very loving, makes you want to vomit. You aren't just some helpless girl, you aren't just Archie's girlfriend. You are Y/N L/N and you are extremely strong, fierce, smart and powerful. You pace around Veronica's loungeroom before stopping in front of one of the rather large and beautiful-looking white walls. You let out an extremely loud yell before punching straight through it. You feel only pure adrenaline as you pull your fist from the crumbling hole. You realise what you've done and turn to your raven-haired friend, ignoring the crazy looks you receive from your other friends.

"V, I am so sorry." You apologise profusely, feeling horrible for damaging your friend's property. "That was really selfish of me, I'll pay to get the wall f-" Veronica interrupts by handing you a plate.

"Go for it," is all she has to say before anger consumes you again. You throw the plate onto the ground like there's no tomorrow.

"Mi Hija, what the hell is going on?!" Hermione walks into the room, her voice raised in frustration and confusion. She glances around the room, assessing the damage before her eyes land on you, your furious tears not stopping. Her angry facial expression drops as she walks towards you, hugging you tightly, hushing you as you start sobbing from sadness again. "Querida, what happened? Who hurt you? It's okay now, I've got you." Hermione softly rocks you back and forth in her arms, protecting you.

"I'm so s-sorry about the w-wall and and the pl-plate," You hiccup, feeling even worse for breaking everything.

"It's okay, novio. Those things can be replaced, I just want to know what happened so we can make you feel better." The experienced mother doesn't let go of you, comforting you as if you were her own. Hermione knew your parents weren't around much at home and you never got to experience this kind of emotional connection with your own mother. The Lodges basically took you in, since you were already so deeply involved with all of the mobster business going on. While your parents left you alone to go on business trips, you'd basically created your own little drug exchange. You soon dropped it to work for Hiram as his trusted secretary. You were basically Veronica's sister, Hermione took the role as your mother and Hiram, a replacement for the father who never even looked at you. You sigh, wiping your tears before calming down. You could feel your heart breaking all over again.

"I caught Archie cheating on me." The room goes silent for a few moments before Hermione's voice echoes throughout the room as a dangerously low hiss. At this point, Betty and Kevin remain sitting on the couch, watching this all unfold.

"He's a fucking bastard. Querida, He doesn't deserve you, especially after what happened with Jackson." You almost start sobbing again at the mention of that godforsaken name. Your horrible ex boyfriend, who hit you and cheated, blaming everything on you.

"Hermione," You look at the woman who you considered your mother and sniffled. "I want to hurt Archie so badly, but I'm not going to stoop down to Jackson's level. He didn't know."

"It doesn't matter if he didn't know!" Veronica joined in with built-up aggression, not towards you but more the redhead who had broken your heart. "What matters is that he hurt you and you need to be able to heal." You nod, looking at your feet.

The rest of the afternoon was spent watching movies and eating ice cream as you cried a little. You were glad your friends were with you the whole time, letting you get your feelings out. A ding sounds off, notifying you that you received a text message. You froze when you saw who it was from.

Archikins 😍: Hey princess, where'd u go this afternoon? I thought you'd say hi before u left with V x

You felt your heart ache as you changed his contact name, placing the phone down ignoring it. There's another five dings.

Archie 💔: Hey, r u okay?
Archie 💔: Hello??
Archie 💔: I no that you're there, Y/N, why r u ignoring me?
Archie 💔: Pls answer me, love
Archie 💔: I'm worried, I'm calling u

Archie's contact photo soon pops up on your screen as your phone vibrates and rings. Everyone's attention turns away from the movie to face me. I glance at Veronica with an anxious look before picking up.


"There you are! I was wondering why you weren't picking up, what happened to our plans?" You felt a weight push down on your heart.

"You know, Archie," You glance at everyone and Kevin nods, knowing what you're about to do is needed. "Cheating on me is one thing, but cheating on with a teacher, that's a whole other ballgame." You could hear the hitch in his throat as Archie begins to speak back.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You begin to laugh angrily, tears now pouring down your face like an automatic waterfall. Your sobbing is evident in your voice.

"Don't fucking lie to me, Archie! I saw you in the Music Room this afternoon. You're such a fuckboy. Not only did you cheat on me WITH A TEACHER, but you tried to lie about it to. You're pathetic." You sniffle, heartbreak in your voice.

"Y/N, I'm so-"

"I don't want your stupid fucking apology!" You scream and Betty flinches, the other two remaining unfazed. "You cheated on me with a pedophile! You just grabbed my heart from my chest and stomped on it. You're a shitty person as well as a shitty liar." The other side of the phone line was so silent that the only thing telling you that he hadn't hung up was his small sighs. "If you didn't love me anymore, you should've just told me." Your voice cracks and your heart breaks again, a cry vibrating through your chest.

"Y/N, I'm sorry." You huff with anger.

"Sorry that you did it or sorry that you got caught?" Another silence sounded and you grind your teeth. "That's what I thought." is all you said before hanging up the line and feeling a burden coming off your chest.

Word count: 1256 words

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