Chapter 2

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"Thank you Shawn"
Quickly I pecked his cheek and grabbed Hayes by the hand.
"So where to?" he asked.
"I want to do my nails"
"You do your nails ahah" he laughed.

"What's funny?'' I raised and eyebrow and his laugh disappeared.
"You transforming into a real girl"
"Shut up let's go"
We walked to the nail saloon that was opening today.

"Look at the price it's $40"
"Yeah my mom gave me money"
I talked to the owner of this shop and we looked for the perfect colour and shape.


"I'm home"
I slipped of my shoes and walked into my room.
I placed my bags on the bed and walked into the kitchen.

Hungrily I searched for something edible but there was nothing to eat.
I noticed a note on the dining table so I took it.
The note read:

Hey honey I won't be home for some days.
Shawn and Jack went out with the squad.
I left you some money take care.
Love mum.

A smile giggle escaped my lips when I read squad.
Jack and I teach mom some slangs and she uses them all the time.
I took the money slipped into my vans grabbed my keys and walked to the grocery store.

Normally I buy pizza so Shawn and Jack can have some but today I wanted to cook something.
On my way to the shop I made a list.
Today I'm going to make Mac and Cheese.

I grabbed all the ingredients I needed.
I was still hungry so when I was about to take the last blueberry poptart someone took it before me.

With annoyance filled in my blood I faced the thief that stole the last poptart.
"Don't hey me you took the last poptart"
"Sorry princess but it's mine now"

Manu and I walked home together he's not that bad just strange.
I entered the house and Jack' squad was there.

I dragged the bag into the kitchen and started cooking.
Mac and Cheese and for dessert ice cream.
I took the bag to get the ice cream but i found something else.

The last blueberry poptart.
He kept it in the bag aww how nice.
The food was ready and I'm making the table right now.
"Guys food's ready" I screamed.

Like animals all of them filled the kitchen.
I took my food up to my room because I have to do my homework.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep
"Jesus Christ"
I screamed in shock my homework was on my desk so was my food from yesterday.
I probably fell asleep after doing my homework.

I walked to the bathroom and stripped off my clothes.
A long and hot shower was what I needed.
After doing what I needed to do in the bathroom I wore my new clothes I bought with Hayes (pic above)
I took the plate and kept it in the kitchen sink.

The boys were still asleep so I made eggs and bacon.
I faced Matthew who was wearing no shirt.
"Morning" I flashed him a smile and concentrated on the food.
I grabbed 10 plates.
I shared the food fare so no one complains.

The boys act like kids sometimes.
I placed the plates on the dining table.
I sat down and ate toast and eggs because I don't eat pork.
Matthew and Cameron joined me.
"So Liv how is school" asked Matt
"Ehm ok I guess"

"Do you have a boyfriend?" asked Cameron.
"No I don't"
"What about Hayes and Shawn they're cute right" asked Matt in a girly voice.
"Eww no they're my bestfriends not my boyfriend"

"If you say so"
Then Shawn and the others took a seat.
Everyone was talking about some random things except Shawn.

That's weird he's never quiet.
"Shawn are you ok?"
He looked up and forced a smile.
"Yeah fine why are you asking?" he lied.
"I don't know just wondering"

I knew he was lying he didn't touch his food something is bothering him.
No one seem to care so I grabbed my binder and bag.
I walked down to the kitchen when I heard Jacks voice.

"When do you want to tell her?"
"I don't know I hope she won't be angry" Shawn replied.
"I don't think she'll be angry she'll probably be hurt" Matt said.
"Who'll be hurt?"I asked.

"Uhh my mum if I tell her I have a D in English" Shawn snapped.
"oh go get ready for school"
He ran upstairs and minutes later he came well dressed back.

"You look cute let's go now"
He intertwined our fingers walked me to his car.
"You look different today" he asked.
"Yeah I do"
He turned on the engine and drove off to school.

"Shawn we can go now" I laughed.
"Oh yeah I was just thinking"
"Shawn why are you behaving so strange today"? I asked.
Not knowing if he should talk or not he opened his mouth and closed it back while nodding his head.

He opened his door and walked over to my side to open the door for me.
"Thank you?"

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