Chapter 6

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  Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

Still sleepy I walked to the bathroom to do my usual morning routine.

I walk downstairs wearing Shawn's sweatshirt and my black pants.
Waiting for the Jacks,Matt and Shawn to come I take the muffins I prepared yesterday and keep them in a lunchbox.

The boys are eating cereal.
After eating they slip into their shoes and get into the car.

We are inside the airport helping Shawn actually the boys are helping Shawn.
I'm looking for Starbucks when I found it I took Shawn's order and Hayes followed me.
"So are you going to miss Shawn?" he asked.

"Nah I balled my eyes out because I'm happy for him" note the sarcasm.
"I'll take that as a yes but don't worry you have me"
"Oh yeah you are still here" I replied slow and cold.

We looked at each other and started laughing.
That's why I like Hayes we can never fight because we end up laughing.
At Starbucks I took Shawn and my order.

Hayes bought his own we paid and walked to the others.
I handed Shawn his drink and the muffins I brought.
"Thank you"

My drink was ok I mean I had better ones but oh well.
As I couldn't drink  anymore I gave my drink to Jack.
"So where are you flying to?" I asked

Everyone's saying their goodbye to Shawn.
My heart is beating extremely fast I don't want to say goodbye.
After the Jacks it was my turn.
Noticing we need some privacy to talk they went to the car.

"So" he started
"So" I repeated.
"I'll miss you so much" I blurted out.
"I'll miss you too but you can visit me when I'm in Canada"
He gave me a long and tight hug.
"Don't forget me Shawn"
"How can I? We'll FaceTime every day"

"Shawn different time zones don't forget"
"We can make it happen trust me"
"I'll try"
"Hey please don't do stupid things"
"Shawn I'm 16 almost 17 I don't need a babysitter I already have Jack and his Friends"

"Good point"
"Have fun" I smiled.
"I will but don't forget you'll never be alone"


He gave me a silver bracelet with a forever sign.
"Aww thank you"

"Flight 2810 Delta airlines to Glasgow,Scotland  is boarding"

"Can I get a last hug?"
I wrapped my arms around him and little by little tears fell from my eyes.
"Don't cry I'll see you soon" he kissed my forehead and wiped my tears.
"Bye love you"


"I really need some girlfriends all my friends are boys and you're not that innocent as you seem" I said looking at Hayes.

"There's a party today go look for friends" he chuckled.
"I don't go to party's"
"Why?"he asked
"Hayes I want to stay antisocial so people won't see me as Jack's little sister"

"Yeah but you can go just this once"
"I'll think about it"
''So are you going home with me or?" I questioned.
"Nah I have to take Zan to the vet"

"Ok bye"
My house isn't that close to the school.
It takes me 30 minutes to walk and 15 when Shawn drives me to school.
I took a seat on a bench nearby wanting to call Jack.

But stupid Jack didn't answer it.
Please tell me why people have phones when they never answer their calls.
There was no way I'd use the bus I hate it.

Either I call an uber to drop me home or I can walk.
Nah I'll walk I don't have money with me.
Today's weather wasn't as warm as usually.

With the cold air hitting my bare face and freezing my fingers I walked home.
Home a place where no one is waiting for me.

I really need a girlfriend all my friends are boys who are childish.
Still walking my eyes meet a red car pulling up next to me.
A familiar face stepped out of the car facing me.

"So isn't it cold here?" he asked.
"Yeah it's freezing"
"I'll drive you home get in" he smiled.
"Manu what a gentleman you are"
I walked to the car and sat by the passenger seat.

No words were spoken the only thing you could hear was the radio.
"So are you um going to a party today?' he started a conversation.

"I don't like party's I always end up sitting on a park bench near by" I explained hopping he would understand but still he didn't give up.

"Don't worry I'll be there to take care of you" he said.
"Aww but I'm not going"
"We'll see"
I pointed at a white and blue house to show him that I live there.

He pulled up by my house and faced me as I walked up to the front door.
"I'll pick you up by 8"
Before I could answer he oned the engine and left me alone.

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