Chapter 19

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Before you start reading let's take a moment to appreciate this perfect picture of Shawn.
Yes he lost best pop music video to 5h but he still nailed his performance and I'm really proud.
Look at his Jawline ladys and gentlemen.


Previously on Ruin

"I forgot her?" Shawn asks.
"I never did please" he begs but i close my laptop.


What are you doing" I ask her.
"Matthew I'm leaving I'm sleeping at McKenzie's tell Jennifer I'm sorry and I'm so thankful"

"You know Jack'll make you regret it" yell.
"My biggest regret is that I let his mom adopt me"


Did I really stay at McKenzie's that night?
Noooo, I stayed over at Nate's place.
He's a good friend and he can keep secrets.

Now you're probably asking why I lied to Matt, the only person I trust.
Easy,  because I know he'd tell everyone he's known for being too worried.

I walk down the hall receiving some nasty glances.
Confused as always i walk over to McKenzie.
"Why's everyone staring at me?" I asked hugging myself.

"Didn't you hear the rumors" she looks at me in disbelief.

I press my lips together and roll my eyes.
What a stupid question it's one of my pet peeves.

"No i didn't" I whisper yell pushing my hair back.
I'm losing my patients which causes me to clench my jaw.

"You hooked up with Nate" she answers in a duh voice.
Shocked I take a step back while I hold my chest.

I love Nathan but not I would never lose my virginity to him.
Still in shock I look at everyone surrounding me.

"Like I'd do that" I yell forming my fist into a ball.
By now my chest was rising and sinking rapidly.

McKenzie looks at me and furrows her eyebrows.
"Debora saw you walking into his house at 10 pm you can trust me Liv"

"I didn't hook up with Maloley he's my friend and I would never do that" how does no one believe me.

"Ok then what happened" she asks crossing her arms in front of her chest.

I shut my eyes for some seconds thinking.
"I walk into Nate's house we talk and I tell him everything. He offered me a drink and he passed me the blunt.
Yes we were both high but I know I went to bed earlier."

Rumors come and go but every time I come to school I hear a new one.
Normally I'd run into the toilet and ball my eyes out but not this time.
I got smarter and harder in the nick of time.
Not going to school for a week was the best for me.

Debora is a fool and I could never compete with her she knows how to get people's attention in a positive way.

If I'd ever tell some one a bad thing about Debora they would just laugh.
She was like Regina George the biggest Bitch at school.

"Where is she?" my question sounded more like a demand.
My aggressive side was coming out
(shout out to the dark Betty)
All i want to do is slam her head against her locker until her flawless skin is covered in blood.

Just like Henry from the Returned did to Tony just that he used a metal table instead.

McKenzie looks at me warning not to hurt her but her eyes change to worried.

She looks over at Debora who was walking down the hall like she owned it.

She stops when she sees me and smirks.
Her noo good boyfriend looks at me in disgust.

This isn't one of the things you see on tv where people dance against each other.

This was unfortunately reality which makes me more depressed.
I walk over to her and cross my arms in front of my chest.

"What the fuck Debora why are you spreading rumors more specific false rumors about me?" I asked.

"Who told you that hunny I'd never say something bad about you" she lies acting surprised.

"You better listen 'hunny' if i hear another false rumor I'll slap the shit out of you" I threat.

"The way you slapped your brother?
Oh I'm sorry I mean Jack who threw you out of his house"

She plays with her 5 inch long gel nails after she sets her shades on her head.

"I know so much more than you think especially when my sister dates Matthew" her evil smile spreads on her face.

I feel a a huge lump making it's its way to my throat.
My eyes widen Matthew was dating Jordyn and lied to me.

"Oh you didn't know upps they've been dating since last month already" she explains.

I couldn't say anything I was shocked or embarrassed that he'd do something like that.

I've trusted Matthew more than I've trusted anyone.
Angrily I looked down at my shoes until she walks away.

Even though she was gone I felt someone's presence looking up i see Manu with a disappointed look

"Who didn't you hook up with" he asks.

"I never had sex with Nate I swear and if you don't believe me then go" I wipe my tears away while he walks off to his girlfriend.

"Hey I know you never hooked up with Nate"

I wrap my arms around Hayes body and smile widely.
"Thank you could you do me a favour?" I ask.


"Give me a ride to the orphanage I used to live in"

His smile drops and he looks into my eyes like i had just committed a crime.

What's up people school starts on Monday in the country I live in.
I'm really excited I wanted to tell you guys I'm starting a new book called
'You're something different Cheryl Montgomery' stay tuned for that one.
It's about one of the why don't we boys .
Love y'all

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