Chapter 18

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Previously on Ruin

"Was is that bad?" he asks
"Yeah can we go to a therapist or psychologist" I ask Matt looking into his eyes.
He sighs and smiles


Matt's Pov

Jack was beyond pissed yesterday after he saw his mother.
She was frustrated more devastated.

That's what Jack says but in my opinion she looked heartbroken after all she did a lot for Olivia.
She treated her like her own child.

Olivia and I visited the psychologist without Jack knowing.
Olivia is like a little sister to me and I know that she's suffering.

She made an appointment for every Saturday with Doc.Tarry who is one of the best in town.
I left her there and drove back home after assuring her that I'll pay for her uber which will arrive in any moment from now.

So here I am in her room having a FaceTime conversation with the boy she's trying to forget.
Shawn Peter Raul Mendes she dislikes him but he's my bestfriend and I won't abandon him just because of Olivia.

"So how's tour" I ask smiling at my friend.
The last time I saw him was two weeks ago obviously without Olivia knowing and i wanted to keep it that way.

He was about to answer when I heard someone walk into the room.
It wasn't the footsteps that made me know someone's coming but the voices who obviously belong to Jack and Olivia.

"What's your deal what the fuck did you do to my mom" Jack yelled at her.

"Our mom jac" she got cut off by Johnson holing her wrist tight.
"Our my ass she's frustrated and sad you did that to my mom now tell me" he demanded.

With wide eyes i look over to Shawn who was beyond confused.
"Who's that" he mumbles pointing at Olivia.
"I'll tell you just wait" I plead before I look back at the fighting siblings.

"What did she possibly do to make you that pissed" by now tears were running down her soft skin.
I felt sorry for her but I can't interfere because first of all it's a family issue and second because I am too curios to know what'll happen.

I don't think she was crying because she regretted what she said , no.
She never regrets what she says to others.
She was crying because of Jack's grip on her wrist.

"She...she pissed me off with all that Shawn and Cameron stuff and I got provocate in some way" she cries.

"Jack I think that's enough" I interfere.
He looks at me but doesn't notice Shawn's face on the big screen of my Mac book.
'What an idiot he is' i thought.

"Shut up Espinosa stay out of this" he spat and turned back to Olivia.

"It's not her fault that Shawn forgot you it's not her fault that Cameron likes you it's not her fault that you're worthless.
You're stupid and do you know why Shawn forgot you because he never liked you he hates you and he's happy that he doesn't have to wake up to and face you everyday like i have to.
Take a look at yourself you look like a slut" Johnson screamed in her face.

Olivia's face turned into a dark shade of red if i can call it red it looked more like purple.
I look back at Shawn who was angry too.
It's like he recognized her again.
To be fair Olivia had really changed and I wouldn't have recognised her as well.

"It's Olivia right?" he asks rubbing his temple stressed.
I nod as response and watch Olivia slap her brother so hard that he was bleeding.
She looked down at her nails and panics.

"I hate you get out of here I don't want to see you ever again"
"Say it already you love Shawn and you're using Cameron slut you're a slut slut a slutty slut"

She pushes him out of her room and slams the door shut.

I watch her grab a bag , some clothes and money.

"I forgot her?" Shawn asks.
"I never did please" he begs but i close my laptop.

"What are you doing" I ask her.
"Matthew I'm leaving I'm sleeping at McKenzie's tell Jennifer I'm sorry and I'm so thankful"

"You know Jack'll make you regret it" I yell.

"My biggest regret is that I let his mom adopt me"

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