Chapter 24

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not edited

~Previously on Ruin

"Hey Olivia it's me Zachary"
I sit up once i hear the voice of my social worker.

"Hey did you find anything new" I ask inpatietly.

"As a matter of fact yes I did your mother has already been out of prison for four years"

I gulp and smile lightly after hearing the information.

"Where on earth is she" I ask.

"She lives in New York and works for a famous model. She's married to a Simon Peterson and they have twins and Simon has two kids from a previous relationship" he informs me.

"Please send me her address thank you for your help" I switch off my phone smiling.

I'm going to see my mom soon.


The taxi pulls up at a huge house every feet closer my hands get sweatier.
I rub my hands against my pants and take a deep breath in.

"That's 23.57 dollars" the arabic man in front of us stretches his hand out waiting impatiently for his money.

Cameron hands him the money and we jump out of the car.

"It's ok just take a deep breath in" Cameron reassures me rubbing circles on my hand.

"I'm nervous" I admit watching the yellow cab speed away.

He nods walking towards the house pressing the bell.
I run over to him hitting his arm.

"Cameron" I groan in frustration but i stop breathing when someone was suddenly standing in front of us.

"How can I help you" a young girl around my age asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm looking for Cecilia?" I question looking into the girl's eyes.

"Oh she went grocery shopping but she'll be back soon would you like to come in?" she opens the door further and leads Cameron and me into the living room.

"Can I get you something?" she asks after we take a seat.

"No thank you"

The girl takes a seat as well and smiles at us.

"You look familiar but I don't know where I've seen you but I know you you're the famous Cameron Dallas
I'm Stephanie by the way"


I look at Cameron and take his hand under the table.

"I wouldn't call myself famous" he responds blushing.

I press my lips together and look at him.

"What?" he asks pecking my lips.

"Nothing" mumble facing the front door that was about to open.
A familiar face walks in and stops once she sees me.

"Oh God" Cameron faces me in concern as he sees her face.

"What are you doing here?" the short blond girl asks.

I exchange looks with Cameron and cross my arms in front of my chest.
The last time I saw her was almost three months ago.

"You know her?" Stephanie asks standing up.

"I told you about the girl that slapped Shawn as we were in LA yeah that's her" she points directly at me.

My grip on Cameron's hand tightens and I stand up.

"I actually came here for something relevant but if you want to discuss your boyfriends faults then I'm ready and you better get seated it's a long list" after taking a deep breath in I look at Shawn's girlfriend who was crossing her arms.

"Hey I'm back Cara please get the kids from Mollie's" a female voice yells from the hall.

I look down at Cameron who was standing by now.
The woman walks into the living room and gives the girl who was bitching ten bucks.

She starts talking but stops once she sees me.
My blood boils in confusion and anger.
I'm angry on myself for not coming earlier.

She engulfs me in a hug and kisses my forehead.

Still in shock I stand still and look at her.
"Mom" my voice cracks and I start smiling.

"I tried everything to get in touch with you but the head of the orphanage didn't give me any information" she hides my hair behind my ear and smiles.

"I'm sorry I didn't come earlier I was scared that you'd feel betrayed"

"Never would i ever" she looks at Cameron and smiles.

"This is Cameron my boyfriend" I blush lightly.

"It's nice to meet you Cameron" she says hugging him.

He hugs her back and replies to her.
"I knew you seem familiar" says Stephanie laughing.

"Why don't you stay over for dinner?" my mom suggests.

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