WAR, real talk, and Leaving

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Colby and I had an awesome time at the cabin it was so fun. Sadly we had to go home. We packed our bags and got to his car. Because my bones are still weak from shifting, Colby took everything. I think we both still had a glow and cheesy smiles on our faces.

Colby started the car, and we left. After an hour we got to the house, and Colby in locked the door. I could sense no one was home.

B- where are they all?

Only a care taker was with pups, I could tell. Colby decided to mind link has dad and I listened.

C- Where are you guys?!?!

D- Colby, war broke out with the rouge pack. I need you to stay home and protect the people in there, including Bea and yourself.

C- Dad if you need me please tell me ill be there in a second!

D- I have to go I love you son!

C- I love you too Dad!

Colby started crying and broke down in my arms. I held him, I slowly rubbed his back to try to calm him down. It worked because I could no longer hear him sobbing.

B- Baby its gonna be okay! Your dad is so strong! He would never let anyone hurt his family. He's awesome like that. I'm glad he has a son like that too.

C- Thank you beautiful I love you.

He whispered

B- I love you too Colbs. What can I do to make you feel better.

He wiggled his eye brows at me.

B- haha no anything else though?

C- Ummm...... I like hot chocolate!

B- Alright go lay down put down thing on the T.V. and ill make us hot chocolate.

I went to the kitchen and made hot chocolate. Put a whole bunch of marshmallows in a bowl. I went up stairs to our room and Colby was going through channels. Suddenly a huge blush appeared on his face.

B- What?

C- th-the movie

I relized it was the movie me and Colby watched at the cabin. Oh fuck! You are not so innocent after watching that movie. Colby quickly changed it. He put on sponge bob out of all things.

C- you know I can read your thought write......

B- FML...... I can read yours too though hahaha. You're not the only cool one around here any More.

A thought just occurred to me...

B- hey babe where is Layla.

C- well when we were gone. She decided to transform as well. Sam and his family agreed to it. She wouldn't take no for an answer on going to war with them.

B- N-no she's probably not ready! What if she gets hurt-

C- Baby calm down

B- she was all I-

Before I could finish Colby started kissing me. That's a nice way to shut me up. My thought no longer excited focussing on Colbys lips, which are soft and warm and tasted of hot chocolate.

He pulled back

C- she's fine. Sam has second best power. He is my beta. Two mates share equal power. Layla is strong. Even before layla was strong.

B- thank you colbs, you are the best

He just smiled. I layed on his chest while we drank got chocolate and ate marshmallows. His dad started mind linking us witch I still find weird.

D- Its almost over, and there are minor injuries.

C- Ok stay safe and if you need me for anything I'm here

D- Now you just sound like me! Gotta go love you two

C&B- Love you too

That was kinda weird, I've never said That to his dad. Its December, Colbys birthday is January second. Maybe I'll plan a suprise. In 2 weeks is Christmas . I'm so excited. I can't remember my last real Christmas.

You know what I hate when new couples are like "its our 4 month 6 days and 2 week anniversary." Once you say that every month it doesn't make it special, especially when its your 1 year anniversary. Like boo calm yo self.

Back in sixth grade when I was just a girl...............lol
I had this friend no one liked her boyfriend. Layla asked "why don't you just break up with him?"

G- Cause then I would be singe!!!

B- Girl you are in sixth grad cut it out!!!!!! You don't even know what half the shit you to call love is.

Ya realize I said in the beginning I had this friend no one liked her boyfriend.

I only keep people around me that have common sense and aren't going to rely on some boy. There is a big difference between need and want. Colby soon got my attention.

C- While you were thinking I was talking with my dad.....

he said worriedly.

C- My dad and I will have to go on a business trip for the pack all of February because of the war.

B- B-but valentines day.

C- I'm sorry baby I promise I'll make it up to you

I knew Colby was being honest. He seemed upset, I was obvious. It's okay I'm not gonna hold him back from his future. I love him, and would love to spend every second with him, but sadly that's not how the world works. We need space and we have our own responsibilities. You start to fight from being with each other, you don't value your relation ship as much because you are always together and dont have a chance to miss each other. Colby and I rarely fight, actually we have never gotten into a real fight. Only small ones, like how loud he snores. haha. Don't tell him I said that he'd kill me!

I'm gonna miss him. Luckily Christmas and our birthdays are coming up, so we have plenty of time. What am I gonna do in two months? EASY annoy Layla and Sam duh!

I'm grateful to have such great people in my life now 💖

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