Day of Fun

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Bea's POV


Bren: Lets play hide and seek!

Corey: I'm down

We all agreed. We choose teams by rock paper scissors. I'm with Brennen, Colby's with Elton, and Corey and Nic are together. We all went to secret spot to make a plane.

Bea- Ok so we're team Brea, I have a plan!

Bren- Tell me young soldier!

Bea- We hid in the giant bin of balls or pillows

Bren- Hmmm.... OK!!!

We met back up with everyone. 

Elton- Rock paper scissors for who has to seek first.

Colby & Elton had to first. I ran to the ball thing with Brennen. We covered our selves the thing was huge they'll never find us! We had to put back our wolf senses so no one could cheat. I heard Colby say GOTCHA and Nic screaming F@*k. Brennen started to giggle but I punched him. I could hear Colby aprroching towards us.

C- I can't find the last ones!

E- Once we get them its probably gonna be the most simplest spot.

'Little do they know' I thought to myself.

Colby- alright come on guys! Its over!

Me and Brennen Dramatically jumped up out from under. Colby jumped and so did every one. Even a few shoppers mwahhahaha!

Bea- Hi baby!

Colby- Hi cutie- wait no you're a trader!

Nic came up.

N- Ya that's why we're dating now.

Corey- Nic I thought we were dating!

Colby- Elton! What's wrong!?!?

Elton was staring out of space and space ran foward. We ran behind him, me and Colby being the fastest because of alpha strength. Elton ran up towards....... A girl? About his age. Short, red haired.....

E- Mine...
He whispered. The girls eyes flashed of green, instead of the blue they were. Oh! This all makes sense. Then we left and let them do there thing.

Bea- That's his mate!

I was litteraly doing that 'girly squeal' thing.

Colby- haha ya

Bea- whatcha laughing and grinning so wide about.

Colby- you....

Bea- huh?

Colby- You're cute when you get excited.

I looked behind Colby and there was a giant stuffed penguin!!!!!!!!!

B- Oh ma goodness!!!!! Issssah penguin!!!!!

Right next to it was a koala!!! Its ment to be!!!

Bea- Colby there's a koala right next to it!!!!!!!!!

Colby left me for a second and took a picture of them together. I soon got a notification from Instagram.

Picture Colby took

It was ment to be! Perfect just like you! <3- Colbs xo

Awwwww. I replied

Aww! You're to cute! Love yo face

He comented



And forever.

I soon got tagged in a lot of pictures it was me and Colbys mini conversation is the comments.

Colby walked back with the penguin

Colby- you want it

Bea- One sec

I walked and grabbed the koala

Bea- you want it

I was gonna buy him the koala and he's gonna buy me the penguin.

Elton texted me.

L10:  I'm gonna be a few tell them to go on without me. Btw you and colby are cheesy af

🐝atrice:What eves Boo!

I told them.

Colby- come on my team mate!!!!!

Bea- Mwhahahaha

We decided to play freeze tag. Corey was it. He got Nic and Colby, but not me!!!!

Soon a person who looked like a manager came up and Brennen was recording us playing.

Manager- You can't be recording! And running around!

Corey- you can join if you'd like

I burst out if laughter! Then did Colby Corey and Brennen

Manager- OUT NOW!

I called Elton and put him on speaker. Luckily me and Colby got our animals first.

Elton- What's up Bea?

Bea- Hey Elton buddy old pal! My bestie! Ya amazing human!

Elton- ugh..... What did you guys do.

Corey- cute story actually

He started talking in a baby voice.

Corey- well you see uncle Elton hehe we got kicked out... Love you!!!!

Elton- How bad

Corey- I asked the manager if she wanted to join after she told us to stop and we all burst into laughter

Bea- Brennen was recording!!!!!!


Colby- NIC AGREED!!!!!!!

Nic- F U bro!!!

Elton- children calm down I'm on my way!

We waited for Elton and I went in Colbys arms. He came out with the girl.

E- Be for you guys embarrass me... This is Amanda my mate.

A- Hi guys!!!

We introduced our selves and Amanda is very nice. I love her hair. She's very pretty.

We decided to all go to Wal-Mart and the same thing happend.... Hehe....

Then we went to a giant mall open till 1 am we decided to stay over night. Now it was Amanda Elton me and Colby.

Colby recorded and so did Elton for TFIL.

We decided to stay in sears. It was so scary. We all squished into a small shelf area but bug enough. An alarm went off..... 

We waited people came in with flash lights..... 

?- must have been an "ole rat tripping up the alarm.

?#2- ya lets get out a here.

We herd them leave I was starting to cry a little bit Colby quickly kissed me.

I checked the time and it was 5: 40 AM

Workers were getting the store ready. I was sooooo nervous. It was now 6 am we waited a couple mins. People finally started to come in. We peeked to see if anyone was in our isle. Colby and Elton recorded everything.

C- we're good

We quickly got out and walked outside. Holy day light my eyes!!!! That was sooooooo fun


Not to long wanted to keep it simple and fun

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