Chapter 10

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"I can't believe it!"

"We're actually going to start making a change!"

"I'm super excited!!!"

"Remember, we're probably going to get a lot of criticism, so just be prepared."

"We're ready. We know the message we want to send, so we're going to send it."


The friends were driving off to the location of their press conference. When they arrived, they got out of their car and looked up at the tall building. They took deep breaths and walked in and were directed to their room. They walked in and waved hello as the crowd stood up and cheered loudly at their arrival. They sat down in seats with small signs in front of them with their names on them. They sat down and said hello.

"We're so glad all of you could make it. And we just want to say thank you for coming this far in our journey." Isabella said.

"We shall begin the conference." A reporter stood up.

"Isabella, what was your initial reaction to Mr. President John Greedman repealing the Gay Marriage act?" Isabella took a deep breath.

"Well, keeping my vulgar language to a minimum, I was very angry. In fact, any and all synonyms for angry were my emotions at that point. All of us were disgraced and angry that John Greedman would have the nerve to do this." Another reporter stood up.

"Fred, what was your reaction to John Greedman cutting funds for HIV and AIDS vaccines?"

"Well, sir, I wasn't surprised to say the least. It happens to gay men mostly, but even then, we knew that Greedman hated us for being gay so he would find a way to kill us or hurt us someway or another. As if the abuse from people around us wasn't enough."

"Ziggy, why do you support those who are transgender so much and why do you support sex changes?"

"Well, miss, I myself, as you can clearly tell, am transgender. I believe that people who are transgender have the right to alter their body to make them feel more comfortable about themselves-" Ziggy was cut off by the snarky reporter.

"Yes, but even if they received a sex change at the end of the day, they're still the gender they once were and were born with." Ziggy glanced at Paige, who looked down, closing her eyes.

"I get where you're coming from, but it will help those who are transgender feel more comfortable in their own bodies. I mean, shouldn't they be allowed to feel that way, if at all?"

"But why do you think Greedman allows sex changes to remain legal if he hates people like you?"

"Psht. For starters, I know that little greedy bi.........(trails off before calling him a bitch) hates me for being me. And I'm pretty sure he's going to eventually make sex changes illegal sooner rather than later. And again, I stand by sex changes because it'll help those who feel insecure in their own bodies. We shouldn't force these people to remain in a body that makes them uncomfortable."

"Yes, but God gave them that body. It's basically saying "Hey god! Give me a boy's body! I wanna be a boy!" And you can't do that."

"No, because well....If you think about it, I'm fairly certain God would want us to be happy with ourselves, and he wouldn't really care about our, ahem, "modern methods of reassignment", if he loved us as his kids. I also think that those who can't afford a sex change ask to be identified as the gender they wish and there's nothing wrong with that-"

"So if I wanted to be identified as a toaster, I could be identified as a toaster?"

"Look miss, I'm sorry, but you're just blowing it out of proportion. Just because a person asks to be identified as a male or female doesn't mean anything. It's their right and if it makes them feel more comfortable, then it's their choice. You have no choice over who they are, so why do you care? Also, it's their life, not yours so why do you think it's okay for you to tell them that they can't be who they want? It doesn't make them crazy or any less than any of you in this room."

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