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"Hey-." "Hey jade, c-can I talk to you?" Jaime walked up to me, stopping for a moment to sniffle up his tears and wipe from below his eyes.

"Yeah Jaime what's up?" I asked as I half danced, half skipped around my living room,setting up a few more trash cans, attempting to set up for the welcome home party the boys and I were hosting for them at my house.

"Sammi, s-she told me I was a waste of her time...and she dumped me...over a text." He moped to me, quickly wiping up his tears before they even had a chance to fall on his red tinted cheeks.

I stopped mid step to turn around and face him, his black and blonde hair drooping down onto his fore head from the lack of product in it at the moment.

"Well Sammi isn't any better than the two of us, and even after calling each other beck friends for 7 years she still managed to sneak around me, talk trash as she did so, and dated you as I hated Tony. So therfor that no good skank doesnt have a single right to tell you that you're a waste of her pathetic time." I slightly ranted, wrapping his shaking body up into my arms.

"But for once I thought I found someone who actually wanted to stay for a while, and not just to fuck." He almost whispered, shoving away from me.

"I'm sorry Hime, Sammi is a whore, at least you found it out now..." I dropped off, looking into his sad eyes, the sight almost heart breaking.

"Well hey! any girl would be lucky to date you, maybe you can find one at the party later tonight." I encouraged him, pushing him off towards Tony's direction in the kitchen. 

"Maybe." he moped, walking towards the door.

I sighed and continued to get ready for the party as the boys dicked around and messed up everything I cleaned.


As the sea of people danced around my living room I watched the changing groups of friends, and I froze as I saw a familiar face, with diffrent hair falling around it, and new hardware falling from it.

Sammi was standing with Chris, her hair chopped off up into a longer pixie cut, her left nostril pierced.

She saw me and gave a snotty little wave, accompanied by a smug smirk as she leaned her clevage onto Chris, his reaction the opposite of what I had wanted.

He awkwardly pawed at her brests as I gagged and averted my eyes, continuing to look for Mike. 

As I rounded the corner leading up to the bedrooms I found him pinned up against the wall by a rather busty red head, his hands roaming on her ass as I frantically turned back around, looking for another member of the band that wasn't being dominated by a horny girl.

I finally found the beanie covered head of loose curls, swaying back and fourth next to a pretty looking girl.

I bit my lip and tugged him away from her for a breif moment.

"Hey, do you know where Tony is?" I almost had to shout over the blaring music, as he adjusted his shirt and held a finger up to the girl, she nodded and smiled at me.

"um, I think he was upstairs a few minutes ago, sorry i'm not much help with these things." He shrugged, giving me a small hug before I shoved him back towards the girl he had been dancing with a few minutes ago.

I SIghed and turned back around the corner that Mike and that one random girl had been making out on, only this time it was Jaime and my friend Jessica...but hey. can't get mad at the guy, Jessica is an eye catcher, and I told him to find a girl...i never really specified. 

 I continued past them and then stopped dead in my tracks looking at the end of the hallway.

"I swear to god if Mike and that one girl are upstairs banging in my room." I mumbled to myself, as I continued to turn around, almost jogging up to the stairs, attempting to stop the action before it progressed, or even was happening.

I finally battled my way past a few sweaty bodies and walked up my stairs, lightly pushing the door open to be met with a sight I had never wanted, or even thought I would see.

I gasped in horror as the couple turned to face me.

he reached for his pants as I clasped my hands onto my face, and turned around, locking myself into the hallway bathroom.

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