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I couldn't get my breathing regulated, it only came in short, shakey breaths.

I couldn't move mutch, only clutching my lungs as I struggled to find the strength I needed to get off of the cold tile floor of the bathroom that I refused to leave until both of them did.

"Jade, please come out." Tony continued to plead from the other side of the flimsy wooden door.

he'd been out there for a few hours, trying to coax me out of the prison I had built for myself the moment I walked in there, closing myself off from the doezens of people that were walking around myself.

wow, locking myself in my bathroom, trying to get away from the people i'd invited into my house, kind of ironic actually. 

"Jade, I know you can hear me. now will you please answer me?" he begged, the sound of his back sliding against the door echoing around me.

"Go away." I mumbled, hoping that he'd finally get the hint that he was the last person that I wanted to be hearing from at the moment.

"Finally, you fucking answer me! Now open up, please?" He asked, scrambling to his feet, I could hear the carpeting in the hall sliding around below his shoed, or socks that he was wearing.

"don't you get that I don't want to!" I yelled to him as I finally managed to gain the strength to grab the ledge of the counter, pulling myself up onto my knees before I tested my weight onto my feet. 

I finally began to slowly walk over to the door, listeing to him tap his foot at the base of the wood, forcing the door against the frame.

I finally unlocked the door and was faced with Tony, his fist raised into the air to begin to pound on the door again.

his cheeks and below his eyes were stained with dried and wet streraks of tears, his eyelids red and slightly puffy.

"Why have you been crying? you seened to be enjoying yourself just fine a little while ago." I hissed, poision dripping from every last word that slipped past my lips.

 "b- because I hurt you." He spoke, looking down towards the ground.

He shoved his thumbs down into his pockets and looked up at me through a thick veil of hair...like the day we were together.

"Tony, you were completely sober...you knew what..and who you were doing. don't give me that bullshit!" I yelled at him, storming into my bedroom.

"what the hell Jade-" He started but was cut short by his clothes and other various items of his that littered my bedroom flying towards him.

" What happened to to loving and protecting me?...and you promised nothing bad would happen as long as you were around...what are you going to do now? Protect you from yourself?" I sobbed, collapsing on the floor as I threw a handful of his guitar picks at him.

"Fucking stop and listen to me Jade!" He yelled at me, clenching his fists as his voice boomed, sending more tears dripping down my face.

"I've wasted the past 8 months on your sorry ass!" I scremed at him, lifting my body off of the ground. attempting to stand my ground against him.

" JADE! Fucking listen!" He screamed, landing his fist into the dy wall of my bedroom.

after the vibration of the house ended more started at the sound of three others running up the stairs.

"Guys! stop!" Mike shouted as he grabbed Tony, Jaime and Vic trotting over to me, Jaime grabbing my arms as Vic stood to the side and put his hands on both of our chests, his fingers almost on my neck.

"What the fuck is this about?" Vic yelled over the sound of Tony and I's heavy breathing and seldom growls.

"that fucking prick cheated on me...." I spoke, starting out in a growling rage and slowly dying down to a crying mess by the end of the sentence.

I felt Jaime tense up behind me and grab my arms tighter in his grip, he soon loosed as I squirmed from the pressure building in my arms.

"sorry." he mumbled. 

Vic just looked down towards the ground then up to the two of us, shaking his head towards Tony he slowly rolled his neck to face me, giving me a sad, appologetic look. 

"Mike, take Tony to our apartment, Jaime, keep Jade here...just not in this room." He sighed, walking out behind Mike.

he turned in the doorway and look back towards me. "Hey kid, it'll be okay." He sighed and turned back around and continued walking.

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