
I danced around the room aimlessly as my red solo cup full of vodka and pink lemon aid sloshed around, and few drops landing on the floor and the rest dropping onto my hand and wrist.

"Sammi!" I slurred in hushed tones.

"Talk the fuck up!" She screamed above the large amounts of teenage bodies that ran around the confined spaces of her living room.

"That gu-" I began to speak.

"Hey don't go in there!"

"Don't throw that! Those are valuable!" She yelled at he guests, cutting me off entirely.

I sighed and continued to dance around by myself, a few random people joining me, a couple of guys grinding their junk against my leg.

I caught eyes with one guy and he lifted his hand, motioning me towards him.

I gladly accepted, a rush of liquid confidence washed over me as I took a large swig of my drink.

He led me into the kitchen and grabbed my glass, dumping it out in the sink he handed me another one and grabbed a couple of bottles.

He mixed the two liquids and swirled the cup a few times before taking a drink and handing it over to me.

"Here beautiful." He cooed.

I blushed slightly and looked back into his chocolate brown eyes.

"Thanks!" I screamed above the music.

He grabbed my hand and led me back through some of the back corridors, he opened the door and led me into the guest bedroom of Sammi's back hall.

He shut the door then turned around to look at me.

I cautiously sat down on the bed next to him and he just stared at me. Flicking his eyes to my lips every so often.

I turned around and sat my drink down onto the dresser then moved my body slowly back around to face him.

Before I could speak again he had pressed his lips to mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and meshed my lips gracefully against his.

He pulled away then hungrily pulled my shirt over my head.

My mind struggled to work at the same pace as my fingers and the stumbled along the button of his jeans.

"Here, let me help." He gruffly spoke, popping the buttons of both of our shorts.

Damn guitar player.

My breath caught in my throat as he danced his fingertips up my side, seldomly stopping to admire me.

He pushed me against the bed and straddled my waist as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

I moaned against his and he finally removed my last article of clothing.

My panties.

Was this the way I had wanted, or ever the the way I had planned to loose my virginity?


Was this the way it was going to happen?


He leaned his body away from mine to strip from his boxer.

he finally kicked them into the floor and I gasped at his size.

He smiled to him self, an almost cocky, proud smile.

Hip without warning he shoved his full length into me.

I screamed in complete pain.

Then my eyes slightly opened.

Fingerprints that leave me covered for daysWhere stories live. Discover now