Chapter Nine: [Levee]

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Tw: Self harm, briefly mentioned



I tap my foot restlessly, bouncing my leg.


I stand, pacing around my room. The curtains are pulled back so I can see when Violet and Rosaline show up, revealing the indigo sky.


My phone buzzes. I snatch it off my desk.

Violet: Come outside

I grab my wallet and take off, carefully pulling my door shut and making down the halls. I stop, though, as I hear my brother's door open.

I turn to look at him. He sees me, his eyes widening in surprise. "What are you doing?" I whisper.

He hesitates, before saying, "Meeting a friend." He assesses me. "What are you doing?"

I purse my lips. "Meeting a friend."

I turn around and slip out the front door as he makes towards the back. I let myself forget about the scene as a small red car pulls up to the sidewalk.

Once inside, Violet grins at me. "You excited?"

"Nervous," I say. I look to the girl in the front seat; She has the same major features as Violet, but shoulder-length, bleach blonde hair. They share the same dark green eyes. "Hey."

She winks, before turning forward and starting out of the neighborhood. "I'm Rosaline Rhee," she introduces.

"Uh, Levee Diaz." I look out the window, uncomfortable. "Thanks for driving us."

"Oh, no problem!" She giggles, nudging her sister. "Anything for Vi."

Violet's face flushes. "Just drive!" She shakes her head and turns to look at me. "So do you know what you're going to say?"

"What do you mean?"

She rolls her eyes. "Come on, Levee. You're meeting your boyfriend for the first time. Didn't you plan anything?"

"We planned a nap," I say lamely. She smacks her palm to her forehead. "And he isn't my boyfriend, anyway."

"Even so, you guys are obviously into each other." She leans back into the seat. "So unless something absolutely tragic happens, you guys will be dating by the end of the night."

"No one ever said that," I sigh. "I only started talking to him to get him to stop-" I cut myself off, biting my lip. Then I catch Violet's glance, and realize I could use a little help. "To stop self harming," I finish.

Her face pales. "Oh." She takes a moment to collect herself, before asking, "But you do like him, right?"

Immediately, I know the answer. "Yes."

"Aww, this is so cute!" Rosaline squeals. "I'm helping a Romeo and Juliet!"

"Well, they died at the end," I say. "And weren't separated by two hundred miles."

"Plus, they were idiots," Violet agrees. I snort.

She pouts. "Then what should I call you?"

I shrug one shoulder. "Levee and Olive."

I catch Violet's smile in the rearview mirror.


"Levee. Levee, wake up. We're here."

I crack my eyes open, yawning. Watery sunlight glares through the windows on one side of the car, trees scraping against the other side.

"What time is it?" I ask, sitting up. "And where are we? I thought we agreed on the meadow."

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