Chapter Fourteen: [Olive]

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Trigger warning: The first two paragraphs are a suicide attempt scene.

My heart pounds so loud and hard my ribcage aches. My hands shake as I hold the pen in my hand, drawing the red dots down my arm. I tremble so bad that when I try to pick up the serrated knife I stole from the kitchen, I drop it three times before I finally get a grip.

I hiss out in pain as I drag it down my arm. I squeeze my eyes shut, sobs wracking my body. Before I even finish, sirens sound in the distant. They fade to distorted screeching, and soon, I find my vision blacking.


"Olive? Olive?"

My name sounds through my ears in an echoing whisper, sweet and soothing.

"Olive? Olive? Olive?"

I blink, my eyes fluttering open. My mother's face comes into view, her cool hand against my cheek. "Olive," she whispers. "Olive. Are you awake? Olive?"

I rest my hand over hers. "I'm okay. I'm awake. I'm awake."

She wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. Exhausted and barely coherent, I wrap one arm back around her.

"Why would you do that?" Her voice seems permanently quiet, raspy, her eyes watering. "We were so scared."

"The door was locked," I mumble.

She frowns. "What?"

"The door." I sit up, firey pain shooting through my right arm. "The bathroom door. It was locked."

"Well, they broke the lock." She looks away, sniffling. "Why would you do that?"

"How did you even know?" I look at my arm, bandaged rigourously.

"Someone called the police," she says. "Someone from Illinois. How did they know?"

I close my eyes and take in a breath. Levee. "It must have went through to Levee, too. God, I hope they're okay."

"Levee... As in..." She swallows. "Your soul mate?" I nod. She looks down, standing up. "I'll go get your father."

They come back in together a moment later, my dad's face pale. "Olive," he breathes.

They sit on the edge of my bed, my mom holding my hand and brushing her fingers against my bandages.

"Why did you do this, Olive?" She asks softly.

"You really can't figure it out?"

"Olive." My dad sighs. "Can you just answer the question?"

I bite my lip and turn away. "What, is this an interrogation?" I mumble.

"We want you to be okay," she says.

"Well, I'm not," I snap. They blink at me, and I reign in my tone. "I'm just not, okay?"

She looks at her lap. "Is this about college?" She asks quietly.

I hesitate. "Yes."

"We know it means a lot to you," Dad says, "but you have to work with us here. If you finish college, and you still want to be an artist, we'll support you. But we can't be letting you go into it with no plan B."

"Working towards being an architect, for four to eight years, would be hell," I mutter. "I would hate it. I'd be more depressed than I am now." I close my eyes and take in a breath. "You can't make me do this."

Mom purses her lips and Dad sighs. "We'll talk about it later," he says.

Defeated, I just nod. They stay in the room a little longer, informing me that the doctors want me staying overnight for observation, before leaving. I'm grateful neither of them offered to stay overnight with me- I'd rather be alone.

I lay down on my side, cradling my arm to my chest. It hurts like hell. I wonder if Levee still feels it, too.

I hope not.


I wake up to scratching. It takes me a moment to place the sound, sitting up and looking around the room, disorientated. Finally, my eyes snap to the door. I narrow my eyes at it, confused but too tired to think of doing anything.

The door pops open a moment later, making me jump, Lia pocketing a credit card. Micah and Violet rush into the room.

Micah throws his arms around me. "Jesus, Olive," he whispers, tightening his grip.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask quietly. "Violet? How'd you get here?"

"My sister's waiting out front." She sits on the edge of the bed as Lia drifts into the room. "Your parents wouldn't let Micah visit you earlier, so we just snuck in."

"Just 'snuck in?'" I question, small giggling bubbling from my lips.

Micah pulls back, looking stressed. "You promised me."

My gaze falls. "I couldn't help it."

He hugs me again. "I'm glad you're okay," he whispers.

Violet nudges me. "I've come on a secret mission." She winks.

Micah slings his arm around my shoulder, now sitting next to me. Smiling a little, I look at her expectantly.

"Levee's being kept overnight for observation," she says. "But he's going to sneak out to visit you as soon as he can."

My chest fills with warmth. "I'm here for a few days, so I'll probably be here when he gets here."

She lets out a loud yawn, curling up at my feet. Micah chuckles. "Can we spend the night?"

"Micah," Lia whines, huffing. "You promised we'd only be here for a few minutes."

He shakes his head. "No, I said you only have to stay for a few minutes. You're the only one with a credit card- We needed you to get in."

"Can we please just go?" She begs. "I want you to come with me."

Micah gestures to me, scowling. "I'm staying with him for the night."

"Come on, you don't need to do that." She takes his hand, tugging. "Olive has that girl to stay."

Violet quirks an eyebrow. "You're annoying."

Micah rips his hand back. "I'm staying."

Surprised, I look at him. He gives me a smile.

"I want to go-"

"Then go!" He snaps. He clenches his jaw. "Lia, just go. And don't bother coming over tomorrow."

She crosses her arms over her chest, a scowl taking up her face. "Why?"

He flicks his gaze to me and back to her. "Because I'm breaking up with you."

Her mouth drops open, her eyes narrowing. "You're serious?"

Micah drops his head back, looking at the ceiling. "Just get out."

The door slamming echoes down the empty hallways. Micah and Violet flinch.

"Hopefully no one heard that," she says.

"You broke up with her," I say in surprise.

He nods slowly. "Yeah."

"Are you okay?" I ask.

He gives me a smile. "Yeah."

"I'm gonna text Rosie," Violet says. "Tell her we're spending the night."

"She won't be mad?" Micah asks.

She shakes her head. "I doubt it. She likes staying in hotels, for whatever reason. She'll see this as an opportunity to."

We lay down, Micah and I next to each other with Violet at our feet. We quickly fall asleep, and I look forward to seeing Levee soon.


If I don't post on Friday, it's because I'm going on a road trip tomorrow that'll last for six days, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have for everything. Good news is, it's the last chapter! And I already have something else ready to start posting.

<3 Max

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