Epilogue: [Levee]

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"It's there!"

"Get your hands out of my face!"

"You just missed it!"

"I didn't miss anything, asshole!"

My mouth drops open. "Did you just call me an asshole?"

Violet quirks an eyebrow. "Is that a new occurrence?"

"Them being an asshole, or you calling them out on it?"

I look at Acacia in the rearview mirror. "You're so rude."

She grins. "It's my speciality."

"Look, here's the turn," Violet says, turning into a gated neighborhood labeled Caged Iris. In Olive's words: Fitting.

We drive over a paved road lined in cobblestone sidewalks, big houses with planter boxes in their windowsill.

"It's bigger than every house I've lived in combined," Acacia says in wonder as we get out of the car.

I stretch, my legs sore from sitting in the car so long. Violet leans against the hood of the rental with a yawn.

"Forget about the bags," she says as Acacia reaches to unlock the trunk. "We can get them later."

Shrugging, we nod. I lead them up the drive, my stomach flip-flopping and twisting. When I ring the doorbell and Micah opens the door, he laughs.

"I knew you'd give me that look," he says. "We're in the kitchen."

I hear Violet and Acacia greeting Micah as I find my way through the maze-like halls to the kitchen, where Olive sits on a stool with a glass of lemonade. As soon he sees me, he's standing, and I'm throwing myself into his arms.

This is our fourth time being in the same room since we met four months ago. When Acacia and Violet started talking, of course, they had been graced by only living an hour apart, so they see each other every weekend at the least. Me, though, my soul mate lives in another state.

"I missed you," he breathes, and I hug him tighter.

"Hey, sluts!" Olive and I jump apart as Violet chucks a pillow at us she obviously took from the car. "Don't leave us alone like that. You've got all summer."

"Most of that's gonna be in a car, though," I point out.

Acacia smirks, hopping on a stool. "Still a whole week in the house. Plenty of time for sex."

By now, both Olive and my cheeks are bright red. Micah snickers, but waves his hands. "Let's drop this. Their faces might actually set on fire if we don't. You guys hungry?"

"Starving!" Acacia exclaims, pushing her frizzy brown hair out of her face. "What've you got to eat?"

"Micah, this is Acacia," Violet says, rolling her eyes. "She's lovely."

"I can tell." He opens up the cupboard, pulling out a loaf of bread. "I can make us sandwiches."

Olive sits on the stool and pulls me into his lap, which is a struggle, but worth it as he rests his head on my shoulder and kisses my neck softly.

Now that the adrenaline has worn off, I'm able to really take in the house. It's, obviously, huge, with a very silvery feel to it. The walls are stark white, the counters and appliances sleek and metallic.

After we eat, we put on a few movies and pile on the couch. There's another just next to us, but the decided closeness, even after so long in the car, feels great. Olive has me on his lap again to conserve space, and Violet and Acacia are practically on top of each other, with Micah squished in the middle. By the end of the second movie, Micah's legs are sprawled over my lap and Acacia's body is pinned under his, her head rested on Violet's lap while she plays with Acacia's hair.

Once the movies are finished and the floor is absolutely covered in popcorn (the bowl got knocked off twice), we get out a map and old-fashionably plan out our roadtrip; Picking each town we're going to visit, looking up hotels to stop at, counting all of our money between us.

By the end of the day, I'm exhausted. We all get to bed pretty late, Micah taking his parents room, as they're out for a few weeks on their own vacation, leaving his room to Olive and I, and the guest bedroom to Violet and Acacia. I fall into bed with Olive and he instinctively pulls me into his arms. I would have never imagined myself in such a touchy-feely relationship, but being away from each other so much has a strong effect on the way we interact when we're in the same room.

I rest my head on his chest, feeling his heart beat against my ear. The last thing I feel before I fall asleep, is Olive's lips against my temple.

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