Hacking the truth

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"What is it your exactly looking for here?" Zoey asks me skeptically

"Anything that might look suspious or =something he might be hiding from me."

"Of what exactly??" She asks and my mind goes blank.

"No idea, all I know is David know's something and dad's making sure he's not telling me. So I have to find out for myself . Fast. Because he's going to work in a hour or so and when he see's I have his laptop... it wont be good." I can tell Zoey everything. She an amazing friend.

"Ok now are you sure you want me to do this once we do there's no going back and if we find something bad..." She stops herself but I knew what she was going to say.

"I'm ready." I said confidently I was tired of being lied to.

Enough was enough.

Zoey was typing at super speed, she said she was typing in codes to unlock the password.

"Were in. Now I'll look for encrypted files." She starts typing again.

"Encrypted files?" I ask not understanding her technology terms.

"Yeah it means deleted files, if he's hiding anything it would most likely be deleted, and let's see some bill reports,book orders, and oh this is interesting....." Her eyes are glued to the screen as I sit beside her trying to get of good view of the screen.

"What!" I rushed over to her and was shocked at what I saw.

"That can't be right he hates hospitals little own work at one!" I stand up from the bench and start to pace outside the school walls.

"Technically, It's a insane asylum, specifically the criminally insane." She relizes that she's not making it sound better and bites her lip.

"How come he never told me? What else could he be hiding?" My mind starts to race at all the things he could be hiding.

"I dont know, do you want me to see if there's anything else? " Zoey's voice was full of care. I only had one answer.

"Yes. dig up everything you can."

"What about class we have to be in french now." I look at the clock and were 10 mintues late.

"This is why I said a favor we might have to skip school today, depends what we dig up." I run my fingers though my hair in distress.

"Everything in my gut is telling me not to, but then my life would be way to boring, whatever you have planning in that big head of your's...... count me in!" She smilies

"Thanks Zoey. Now can you look up the insane asylum he works at?" My pacing slows a bit.


A few seconds later the computer came up with all the results.

"Great! Now can you see which patience's he's worked with?" I ask not knowing really what to be searching.

"Umm.. No its password protected. And they have really good firewalls up." She slams on the keys in defeat. "I can't get it." She huffs in annoyance.

"Is it numbers or words?" If it was numbers I might be able to figure it out."

"Numbers." Perfect.

"Try 02/03/2013" Its the date me and mom got attacked.

"But that's...." She didn't want to finish that, she always felt weird talking about it.

She typed the numbers and the computer when ding. We were in.

"OH MY GOD!!!" " That's not possible!" Everything that was said to me was lie, beacuse of this one thing.

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