Shoot and ask questions later

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" Jake Jake!!" I sit besides Jake's dead body, sobbing David puts his hand on my shoulder and i jerk back.

"Why did you do this?" I ask angrily

"He was working with dad a-"

"He was trying to help me escape! he only said yes to working with dad so he wouldn't have died!!!" I yell at him.

"How was a supposed to know?" He yells back

"If you gave me a-" I stop we've been yelling at each other for a few minutes now there should be guards, or doctor like people stopping us and taking David back to his room whats going on?

 "Its quiet to quiet we'eve been yelling someone should be in here now breaking it up." I say

"Your right, do you remember when you called 911?" David asks

"Yeah what does that have to-" David cuts me off

"We stole the ambulance from this place, so maybe the police is coming here!" David says cheerfully

"I don't know." I say but David runs out into the hallway.

"David!!!" I yell and run after him.

I see David surrounded by people in police uniforms with bullet proof vests on. Pointing there guns at every doctor including my dad

Then they point there guns at me.

"Who are you?" One of the policemen ask

"Annie, i called in the accident." I say 

"That's my brother, David were victims not suspects." I say hoping they'll believe me.

"He's behind all of this!" David yells pointing at my dad

With the gun in his hands.

"David don't its not worth it!, everything's going to be ok now!"

"Yes.... Yes it will." David says and smiles closes his eyes and pulls the trigger

There's a loud bang that fills the room.

Then David gives me one last look before the police shoots David over 100 times, his body is just filled with holes all of his blood pooling on the floor.

They arrested everyone that day except for me. They asks me questions but i never answered them i was too in shock so they put me in here. Ironic how they put me in a insane asylum where my father did his experiments but don't worry its not the same one its a different one out of town actually i feel pretty safe in here.

Well i have to go zoeys here to visit me. I have to go to the visiting room only 2 people can be in there they don't know if I'm stable yet I've only been in here 1 week.

I'll write to you later bye!


End Of journal POV


Zoeys POV

"Hey Annie" I say sitting down. "how are you."

"Good, i finally feel calm and safe it feels like a lifetime ago i felt that."

"I'm glad your OK." I say holding her hand. Then suddenly the door opens.

"Hi who are yo-" The man injects me with the needle it hurts radiating through my body. 


Annie's POV

I watch as Zoey gets injected them goes limp. I have no idea if shes dead of alive.

Then i reconize the face

Its chad lowe.

"Did you really think it would end that easy? Oh no its only the beginning." He says and stabs me with needle then i go limp.

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