the awaking

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I felt terrible at least I lived but next time I think I'll go for the exit and take my chance's with the lock. I got up and started to walk but I kept stumbling I probably had a concusion I felt my head and there was blood. Normally would have freaked but today wasn't a ordinary day. Speaking of day it looked like it was about to get dark soon it's probably 6 or 7 oclock.  Suddenly a car pull's up by me and I see the driver, it's David. A part of me want's to jump into the car and hug him, but another part is telling me to be aware I would have said no to the ride put I'm way to weak to walk to Zoey's on foot. Two thing's I know for certain I wasn't going home I had to stay at Zoey's plus she had the file's I need to look at them, and two I couldn't trust my dad any more but David I had no idea.

"Get in" David said with so much worry in his voice.

"Only if you promise to take me to Zoey's not home!"

"If your not going home because of dad, he working all day at the office."

"Which one?" I tried to sound brave.

"At his accounting job, he is also and accountant."

"Also" So David knew about dad's job here.

"Why should I trust you, or why should I believe dad will stay at the office."

"Do you want to walk home?"

"Not home Zoey's!"

"Does she know about dad and... everything?"

"Yeah, probably a little more considering she has the files." David looked at me shocked.

"Oops did I say that out loud....?" Busted

"Yeah how could you do somthing so reckle....Annie are you bledding...? David getting out of the car.

I weakly lifted my hand and felt my head there was alot more blood then when I first woke up!

As soon as david came to my side I fell into his arms. I could lightly feel him shaking me trying to get me akwake but nothing only a deep sleep.

                                                  A few hours later

I wake up it look's all white walk's and the floor probably in the hospital I hope dad doesn't come I wonder where David is.

My vision clear's and I see people in white uniforms but somthing feel's off...

"Hello Annie" My dad say's with a smile

"Dad?" I tried to get up but there was restraints on me.

"Dont struggle pumpkin... I've heard you have been a bad girl today right....David." He point's into the darkness and david step's up from the shadow's with an evil grin on his face all I could do was gasp.

"Oh Annie sweet gullible Annie..... You really should have known better you should have left well enough alone, but you didn't know you have to be punished like the rest of them." David point's around the room and next to me are Liam, James and Margret and David put's a blanket over her whole body that can only mean one thing..... She's dead

Liam has his shoulder bandaged and James has his hand bandaged from my bite. 

"Looks like you had a lot of fight in you Annie,  thank you for injecting margret it was alot of help."

"Whh-why are you doing this to me...." I knew I was going to die but I didn't want to I mean what about Zoey and Jake suddenly my eye's fill with tear's. All  I could do was struggle while David held my head up exposing my neck while dad injected me with the needle. It hurt alot, worse then getting stabbed and all I could do was scream in pain and hope for death.

"AHHHH!!!" I screamed. I knew this wasn't the end of the injections and torture it was just the beginning.

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