The fight

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"Your finally up! Took you long enough!" David said angrily

"Good morning to you to son. Annie how are you?" He asks concerned.

"Now or a few minutes ago!" David exclaimed "She screamed cause she was having a bad dream."

"Oh Annie I'm so sorry I was asleep I was up late working." He says and I want to believe him, but Davids words keep playing in my head.

He's a liar.

"It's okay, I'm okay now I was just about to go to school and-"

"What were you working on so late dad him what was so important!" David cuts me off. Dad didn't look so happy anymore which frightened me more.

"Nothing that concerns you David." Dad says in a calm tone.

"I think it concerns me and Annie." When I heard my name I jumped. What did David know? And how does it affect me? Should I ask now? Or wait till later?

"Ok well if you two wanna fight all day fine but I'm not gonna stick around and watch. I'm going to school." I decide to ask later.

"Ok Annie, have a great day. Call me if you need anything." Dad kisses my forehead and David looks frustrated.

"Your gonna let her go to school today, after the dream and it being the anniversary!" David trows his arms in the air.

"She said she was okay David if she wants to stay home she can." Dad's voice tells that he's getting annoyed, which is what David is trying to accomplish.

"David I'll be ok." But I didn't know that, I had to stop this. What was David hiding? or more importantly what was dad hiding?

"I'm going take my laptop to work on a project, is that ok?" I gave my dad the puppy eyes. He always fell for those.

"Ok just be careful." He sighs.

"I will" I kiss him on the cheek and when his back is turned I take his laptop instead of my own, good thing we have the same brand and color. I never thought that would come in handy.

I left hoping that dads laptop would help find what he was hiding. It's good to have a hacker for a best friend. I pulled out my cell and dialed the number

"Hey Zoey, I need a favor." I walk to the bus bench, sit down and open the laptop.

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