Reality check

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The injection was excruciating pain coursing through my body. It set me into convulsions my whole body felt like it was vibrate.  I could'nt stop I tried but it kept getting worse I could here voice's they sounded familiar but not in the room.... Zoey and Jake what where they doing! suddenly I could feel hand's on my arms, shaking me I gasp and snap back into reality.  

"Annie are you ok!" Zoey shrieks. I look at her confused one minute I was restrained by my father and brother and now im here in Zoey's room which one is real? Is this a hallucination from the needle? Was the needle fake?

"Annie?" Jake put his hand on my lap.

All I could get out was one word


"Needle? What needle?" David asked concerned 

I looked closly at David he truly didn't know what I was talking what I was talking about. Maybe it was a dream.

"How did I get here." Trying to change the subject. The last thing I remember was falling into David's arm's.

 "After I had a panic attack when you passed out.  I took you here, after what you said about Zoey knowing everything I thought to bring you here."

"You were out awhile because I gave you a sedative for the pain." Jake said proud of him self. I hope his head don't get any bigger than it already is.

"I was going to take you to a hospital but I didn't know if dad had any connection's there." David said looking down.

"He does!" Zoey said all we all looked at her like she had 10 head's. With the drug's Jake gave me to me she actually looked like she 10 heads.

"Makes sense where do you think he got the medical supplies to do the experiment's." Now there looking at me like I have ten head's.

"Stop looking at me like that!" They all jump

"What do you mean experiment's? I meant the head of the institute Chad Lowe, he also own's the hospital."

I had alot of explaining to do.

"What happened in the Annie?" Zoey asked. She looked like she about to cry. I already was.

                                                      20 minutes later

After I tried to explain everything through my tear's and my word's came out a little slurred cause of the drugs.

"Were did you get the seditive jake?" Feeling a bit better.

"The nurses office. I found her bottles of burbon and i ofered her a deal some sedatives for you and I would keep quiet." Jake smiling at me. "She still dont know about the ippac being gone.

"Really?" people can be clueless sometimes.

"So let me get this straight." David said standing up. "Dad is doing experiments on patents who upset him or dont follow his rule's, our mom was in that hospital were she attempted to kill her sister that we never knew about, and 3 wackos who killed mom are after you."

"One maybe two wackos I injected Margret with a needle that does god know's what and I stabbed Liam with glass and I bit James hand so I dont think he into too much pain but he could be with Margret and Liam trying to help them."

"Or he's mad and is trying to find you!" David cut in.

"Yeah that too...." My mind felt as if it were to explode. Then something happened I was thinking about Chad Lowe... How that name sounded familiar.... I remember something on the table when Marget, James,and Liam held me at the hospital. It was a file of Chad Lowe!

Think Annie think I was telling my self..... Omg it was a DNA profile for Chad Lowe

"Oh My God!" I shreiked 

"Whats wrong Annie?" David ran to my side

"Chad Lowe is dad's brother.... Our uncle he's after me too.

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