who can i trust?

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I couldnt rap my head around it, margret alive? God only knows what was in the needle i injected her with, maybe the same one i was stabbed with? Does that mean ill come back from the dead to? All of these qestions run through my mind when i starting sound breaks through my thoughts

"Annie whats wrong?" Zoey asks with concern

I jump when she comes near me. I dont know if i can trust her but then again who can i trust? I mean zoey has the hacking skills she could have altered webites, and files before i even knew what was going on, Jake gave the so called seditive, and david already knew about dad and where he worked and why james and liam came to our house to kill my dad. But what were there motives? But then again i didnt think dad did.

"Margret she alive shes there look!" Pointing at the screen but theres nothing there, everything was exactly like it was before margret got up. It was the hallucanations, there getting worse i hope david and jake get the cure in time if there their to get the cure for me and not something else, maybe zoey hacked into the monitors earlier to trick me.

My brain hurts after all this.

"Nevermind, its the hallcanations." I relize im loseing my mind.

What was i doing thinking my boyfriend, my best friend, and my brother could be in on my fathers crazy scheme? 

zoey sits next to me and we watch the screen when a van pulls up, davids van there their finally. Lets hope the hallcantions wont mess anything up.

I see there by the entrance with no security, suddenly james comes through the door, i look over at zoey to make sure this is real, she gives a nod so i know this is real.

 "Is there any sound? i cant hear what there talking about."

"There is no sound with those types of camera's only view."

Just my luck

 after a few minutes david gives james the file and talks a bit more, probaly about the cure for me.

James walks backs in and we follow him through the halls and he right there between the file room and the hallway he gives a nod to a shadow.... i cant see who it is but i have a feeling its not good.

Suddenly james hides behind a corner and the shadow is gone and guards race toward where the shadow was. James sneeks in and he goes where the camera is broke so we cant see what he is doing.

He comes out a while later , heading toward the basement where he is looking through the neeedles, i really hate having a experimental drug in me, then a experimental cure going to be in me that might work or not...

I shake my head trying to shake the thought out of my head.

'What are you doing you look like you just got out of the pool!" Zoey says trying to imitate me, i can tell she's trying to lighten the mood make me feel better. Its working.

"Trying to shake some thoughts out of my head." 

"Hows that working out?" Zoey asks.

"Terrible" i said looking back at the screen.

James rushes out of the basement like his life depended on it and came out the exit where david and jake were waiting james was telling them something... he looked panicked they jumped int he car and were about to drive off when all the screens went balck. I jumped.

"Did you see that?" Hoping it wasnt real.

"Yeah all the monitors are turned off, maybe it was done remotely."

"I have a feeling it was that shadow talking to james."

"There on there way back here so well ask him."

15 minutes later 

"We got it." David said ready to inject me with the maybe cure.

"Is it going to hurt." I ask weakly.

"Probably but you fall asleep and when you wake up you will be good as new" He says cheerfully ".....i hope" he mutters

"you hop-- AHH" without warning david stabs me with the needle.

"You jerk that hurt why you-" I fell asleep without warning. The darkness consumed me. i felt like i was floating, this was the best ive ever slept.

I wake up with everyone talking.

 "Hey how did u sleep." David asks

"Fine." "How long was i asleep?"

"3 Hours." David says.

Wow. I hate knowing i was out for so long espially not knowing who i can trust anymore. Then i look at james and remeber what i was going to ask.

"Who was that person you were talking to, the one that made the destraction so you could go in the file room."

"How do you know that?" James asks

"zoey hacked into the hospital cameras." 

"It was a nurse who was on my side."

I had no choice to belive him, i had no way to tell if he was lying.

"It was also me who turned off the monitors i used the remote that was in the basement see?"

He pulled out the remote that he used.

"So now what do we do?" Jake asks

I looked out the window it was morning. Dad is home now.

"We need to confront dad, about everything." I say trying to sound confident

we needed to stop this, no matter how dangerous it was, and i knew it would be.

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